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Lest we Forget
Ancient Brit Started conversation Dec 12, 2010
Post 154 of this thread:
"I was awarded a government grant to go to university 64 years ago. However at that time university places were few and far between because they were taken up by servicemen returning from active service that had interrupted their education."
Post 1 of the Now be (dis)Honest thread:
"For the record I left school about 6 months before my 16th birthday."
Just in case the maths is tripping you up, 6 months before your 16th birthday means you were 15 when you dropped out of school.
Anyone who would care to go check and verify what I'm saying, please feel free.
AB, to be a good liar you need half a brain. Sadly (but unsurprisingly) this leaves you lacking by about 7/8ths of a brain. Like I say, the fact that you can breathe and type at the same time astounds me.
what should be done about this???
Post: 188
Posted 35 Minutes Ago by HonestAssange
Mind you, maybe you can't type and breathe at the same time: oxygen deprivation would certainly explain the amount of bovine droppings that is emitted any time you come into contact with a keyboard.
Before anyone accuses me of trolling, I simply see no point of actually debating with a racist, homophobic, ignorant, lying, selfish, cowardly, bullying hypocrite. I would be better off debating with my kitchen table.
Instead I will simply point out AB's myriad failings as a man and as a human being at every opportunity. Thankfully, his aforementioned and proven intellectual inadequacies, make this rather easy for me.
Lest we Forget
Ancient Brit Posted Dec 12, 2010
An early edition of my h2g2 personal space.
Ancient Brit hitches a lift - (Still a relative Newbie )
Post: 1 Posted Dec 7, 2002 by Ancient Brit
Registered ID as Ancient Brit (The name says it all. . )
Registration Date:- 02/07/02
Human - Law abiding and honest - Born England about 70 earth years before 'Stupid Thursday' - 1927 Old Earth date
Earth History - added as and when appropriate.
Age 5 to 7 :- Infant school: The 'cane' was used to punish wrong doers.
Age 7 to 10 :- Junior Scool: The cane was still in use.
Age 11 to 15:- Secondary Education: Chalk, or a blackboard rubber if handy, was thrown to attract attention. The cane was still in use to the day I left school.
Education in General :- (The three R's) Basic but Sound - No criminal record
Age 15 to 20:- Night School and Day Release to Tech. Col. became M.I.Mech.E.(C.Eng).
Age 15 to 55 :- Work:40 years with same company. Could have been 50 if I hadn't taken early retirement.
Age 55 :- Into Computing - F88822?thread=193525&skip=&show=#p2167485
Age 65 :- O.A.P.
Educational failings - Spelling and Inglish Gramma .
Educational successes -Still no criminal record coupled with a clean driving license.
Added 12th Dec 2010 for the benefit of 'Whoisit'
In the course of my career development at the age of 18 I was awarded a university grant based on interview and my examination results. I didn't take it up, preferring to go for a professional engineering qualification in line with my career objectives.
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