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Happy new year...
psychocandy-moderation team leader Started conversation Jan 1, 2010
... "jackass"!
Honestly, Iago. How *do* you manage to maintain your composure sometimes?
If you have such great powers of precognition as to join a web site seven years early in order to be here to "stalk" and torment a single fruit loop, I expect that if that geyser in Yellowstone ever decides to blow, you'll be able to give me ample warning to get out of Dodge?
Happy new year...
HonestIago Posted Jan 1, 2010
It made me laugh too - I'll have to wait and see if my retort (Insh'allah has a triple meaning: it's a way of saying 'hopefully', a blessing and 'same to you' all at the same time) gets any reaction but if it does that could be entertaining.
>>Honestly, Iago. How *do* you manage to maintain your composure sometimes?<<
Because he's not worth getting stressed over, he really isn't. 2009 was dreadful, but it's ended with the two most perfect weeks. That's what matters.
>>If you have such great powers of precognition as to join a web site seven years early in order to be here to "stalk" and torment a single fruit loop, I expect that if that geyser in Yellowstone ever decides to blow, you'll be able to give me ample warning to get out of Dodge?<<
Oh yeah, easily. They don't call me the Scally Prophet for nothing y'know.
Happy new year...
psychocandy-moderation team leader Posted Jan 1, 2010
I'm sorry you had such a shitty year. It was hit or miss for me, but mostly not so bad. I really hope that the goodness of the last couple weeks continues into and through this new year.
No, people like that aren't worth getting stressed over. Certain people used to really irritate me, which is why I've stepped away a bit and pretty much avoid certain people and topics altogether. I'm here to have fun, meet cool and interesting people, and occasionally try to help someone out with a legitimate question. Trolls really punch my buttons for some reason.
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Happy new year...
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