This is the Message Centre for HonestIago


Post 1

spikefang/tara of the scoobies!

Hi im spikefang you came to my site to talk to me so here i am talking to you. b4 you ask my name isnt really spikefang but a cool nickname i figue someone wod hav the spikefan so i changed it to spike fang as in vampire please talk 2 me I am again very lonlysmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface


Post 2


I'm sorry I took so long to reply, I've had the flu and been unable to do anything. My nickname isn't particularly cool cos it comes from Shakespeare but I like it. What do you wanna talk about?


Post 3

spikefang/tara of the scoobies!

As we r on a Buffy website i think it only fair we talk about............. wait for it..........(drum roll here!)................. Buffy!!!!


Post 4


Hmm I sense a plan. So who's your favourite character, apart from Spike?


Post 5

spikefang/tara of the scoobies!

Giles. He isn't obviously funny, but if you listen to what he says its v.clevery funny, yet sutle. I hate Riley and Angel though, Riley is to obvious and predictabley boring and angel just gives me the creeps!


Post 6


This is so refreshing, normally when I complain about Angel and Riley people have a go at me and are really nasty. I truly believe Ikea should start making furniture out of David Boreanez and Riley was just dull (I hope BlucasBabe isn't reading this, she'll eat me) Angelus was cool but sort-lived. I'm a big fan of a much underrated character, Jenny Calendar, I cried when she died - I was only 13 and thought I was in love. Now my preference has shifted right onto Tara who is a goddess of loveliness


Post 7

spikefang/tara of the scoobies!

I know, when I was talking to my friends bout Buffy this useually bores them!)I was saying how i hate R and A (Riley and Angel) I was nearly crucified!!


Post 8


My cousin is really into Buffy and when she watched Becoming and saw Buffy kill Angel she was crying her heart out. Then she came around to talk to me about it and I was laughing my head off, I was so happy Angel was gone. Then my cousin started attacking me for laughing at the demise of her loved one. Thinking about Angel being killed, they can't half do death scenes can't they? Who was your favourite fatality?


Post 9

spikefang/tara of the scoobies!

Angel! Sorr to copy you but........


Post 10


I think Kendra's death had real style. She was cool but it was funny seeing her die


Post 11

spikefang/tara of the scoobies!

Have you noticed all we've talked bout is knives, fighting and death can we have some nicer conversations plz?


Post 12


It's me I'm very depressy lately, I've just moved into my own flat and I'm all alone. Nicer topic, who is your favourite couple?


Post 13

spikefang/tara of the scoobies!

On buffy? Giles and spike wen they thought they wer father and son!


Post 14


Hmm I meant regular couple but that's a better idea. I think Willow and Xander in Bizzaro Sunnydalw was cool but kind of sick. I think overall my favourite couple was Willow and Oz, because they were so good together but at the same time I think Spike and Drussila were way cooler, her being a nut case and all.


Post 15

spikefang/tara of the scoobies!

oh ordinary couple? wat r u on about this is buffy we r talking bout there is no such thing as nomal!


Post 16


Sorry, I must've had a temporary lapse in sanity. It's funny though, even though the Scoobies have this messed up lifestyle, fighting and bleeding and being killed, they are sorted with strong friendships and this is enviable. It's a bit of a cliche but they're happy because they're not normal, Cordellia summed this up pretty well when she tells Buffy she gets lonely, Buffy asks why she hangs around with the Cordettes 'Because it beats being alone all by yourself.' Her popularity doesn't help her. I like that idea, its comforting.


Post 17

spikefang/tara of the scoobies!

No i think Xander's ok. I mean yes i know hes in love with an x-deamon but in i think it was flooded he says to buffy on the building site 'no thats your job not mine and not hear!' or somthing like that so slaying and his job don't really mix. And Dawn is shielded from the blooody side of slaying so..........


Post 18


Shielded from the bloody side of the slaying?! She saw her sister get impaled by a crowbar intended for her and she was cut to ribbons by the Doc. Dawn is as bloodied as the other Scoobies, she's just having a quiet season. I think that Xander is the most normal of the group, that's why he usually plays the emotional support role, his aspirations, dreams and talents lie in the 'real' world. Yay for Xander, up until the last episode.


Post 19

spikefang/tara of the scoobies!

Yeah Xander rocks! ( i knew you wod say somthing bout the Dawn thing!)


Post 20


I can't decide whether to like Dawn or not, S5 she was good, 1st half of S6 she was boring and annoying but in the latest eps she's been good again

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