This is the Message Centre for Ruby-Love
hi ruby
CT Started conversation Jul 7, 2003
thanks for leaving a msg on other thread.... yeah i do chat to wendywoos. we keep in touch via email.....sometimes i wish ld was still going just for the laugh in foyer room lol......did you use to have similar name on ld?? it looks familar....
hope ur well....
take care
hi ruby
Ruby-Love Posted Jul 7, 2003
yes, i keep in touch with wendy via e.mail too, she sends me some real daft stuff!!!`on LD i had a few names like....RubyTuesday, RubyRedSpecialReserve, !!!! i remember you from there as i too use to go in the foyer.I miss it loads and i know wendy does too!!
hi ruby
.WENDYWOOS Posted Jul 13, 2003
tut-tut...... CAUGHT u both talkin about me, lmaopmp.. But in the nicest possible way of course...
Yeah, its sad and lonely without LD, even tho on pc there are places I can visit to meet peeps, but LD was just the best for me Im afraid.
Anyway, Im BLDY annoyed at myself, as I got up for a wee at 7.45am n the sun is splittin the pavements and I cant get back to sleep So here I find myself at thsi unearthly hour on a sunday morning, hee hee. Think Ill go get a shower, nip to the shop for the sunday papers then sit out and bake for the day.
Ill catch u both laters, in email no doubt, lmao
hi ruby
CT Posted Jul 14, 2003
Hiya Ruby... just give wendy a few lol. with preferably baileys in it lol...
that will keep her quiet while we chat about her lol.....
i hope you have both had a good weekend and are enjoying the sunshine... heatwave is supposed to continue til tuesday.....!!!!
take care
speak soon
hi ruby
Ruby-Love Posted Jul 14, 2003
well its was lovely yesterday...but now its cloudy not a sign of the sun :O(.....take care and enjoy your sunshine Ruby
hi ruby
.WENDYWOOS Posted Jul 14, 2003
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Baileys on ice, YUMMY!!!!!!!! hun, lol.. I miss our wee girlie nites in with a few bevvies, they were fab, lmao
hi ruby
Ruby-Love Posted Jul 14, 2003
HEY YOU SCOTTISH KURVA QUEEN!!!!!! aint you heard???? they have the technology to rebuild me!!! HEE HEE...i will give you a race and WIN.....lolpmp
Hi carolt2....hows you today????
NO DRINKING WENDY i cant so why should YOU!!! rotfpmp
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hi ruby
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