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A quick question....
Posted Dec 7, 2004
Just a quick question to everyone on my friends list, and anyone else who happens to stumble in at any time-
Do any of you have/ keep records of all your booster shots, innoculations and other such medically necessitated injections since you were born?
I ask because I'm doing a "health declaration questionairre" as part of a job application, and not only does it ask /if/ I've had such-and-such a shot, but it askes for a precise date too. Jeez, I have enough trouble trying to work out who my GP is- I have to make an educated guess. Last time I went to a doctor of any sort was to have my ears syringed when I was seventeen. Now, five years later and not a trip to the Doc's in all that time, and they expect me to remember his name, address and telephone number.
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Latest reply: Dec 7, 2004
Strictly Taboo
Posted Dec 2, 2004
I spent around £13 on a two- disc DVD purely to watch about a second and- a- half of footage. Worth it though
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Latest reply: Dec 2, 2004
More astrological musings...
Posted Nov 12, 2004
This time, I've found a passage that seems to sum up the general personality of a Libran, and I'm going to see if any of that fits me.
Without further ado...
"Easily the most pleasant and beautiful of all zodiac signs..."
Well, naturally.
"...depending on which side of the scales you are on, and if they're balanced, Librans possess natural charm in abundance and an easy going manner that makes things they desire quite easily accessible to them."
Hmmm. Not sure. Though I guess I'm not that well balanced. If I'm in a good mood I tend to be able to steer things towards myself fairly naturally, but I'm not sure.
"Compassionate, generous and diplomatic, you will find people always ready to do you favours. Of course, you too will be equally helpful when they need you."
Yeah, on the whole. I'm always happy to pay my way in terms of favours, and if I like someone enough I'll go to the ends of the Earth and back at the slightest provocation.
"You are often accused of being lazy, but it is only because you burn too much midnight oil and need to recuperate."
Hell yes. I don't burn the candle at both ends, but I do tend to light it from the bottom. I get told frequently that I'm lazy because I stay in bed too long, but I tend to be most productive when everyone else is asleep. I've long believed that I have at least some of the genes of a badger or other nocturnal creature in me, which is a disturbing thought.
"Indecisiveness is your biggest drawback. It is a trait that often leads to delays; you spend an inordinate amount of time weighing up the pros and cons. You are most apt to postpone difficult decisions for as long as possible than face unsavoury situations."
Another resoundingly accurate description of yours truly. I find it so difficult to make even the most basic of decisions, and I've always felt that I find it easier to see both sides of any situation better than everyone else around me. I'm good at being as impartial as it's possible to be for a human.
"You will be frequently called upon to settle disputes, something you will do with a keen sense of justice. You can provide a heroic, gung-ho display in defending what you judge as right, and then when everyone agrees, you jump ships, raise the pirates flag and become the devil's advocate -- such is the nature of a Libran."
Another good hit. I tend to take the least popular side in any argument purely as an attempt to bring out the best arguments from the other side regardless of my actual standing on the issue. I'll quite often argue to the death, and won't ever accept half- arsed or inaccurate arguments. I often use arguments as a way of increasing my knowledge of a situation.
"You are like the pair of measuring scales that represent this zodiac sign; most of the times it is balanced, but then when the scales tilt, the Libran can be quarrelsome, restless, superficial, vain, confused, or even depressed."
Yeah, I can be an argumentative SOB. I'm feeling particularly restless at the moment with no job and even less in the way of a social life, but I guess that's only to be expected. I often want to do *something* but can't decide what it is. Superficial? Not much. I'd like to think I'm not, at least. I don't tend to rest on the surface- I tend to go quite deeply into any issues I touch at all. Vain? Sometimes, in a way, though more on an intellectual level than a physical one. Confused? I hardly ever know where I am. Depressed? It's not a word I like to use because it suggests submission to the condition, but yes, definitely.
"Then mysteriously it levels out and all is well, balance is achieved, the easygoing nature, the charm, the sense of humour and tact that will win you new friends and keep those other admirers happy."
I'm told every so often that it's my sense of humour that people like most, if anything at all, about me. I'd like to think I'm easygoing. Charming? Can't see it myself. I don't tend to 'win' new friends all that often, and I don't have any admirers.
"Librans are big collectors and great admirers of physical beauty."
Oh yes, indeed. I'm more of a hoarder than a collecter, though: I collect... stuff in general. DVDs. Music. Model cars. Guitars. Gadgets. Books. You name it. And as for admiring physical beauty... on a superficial level regarding the female of the species... I love the female form. I tend to go for the less mainstream view of physical beauty in a woman, but when I see beauty there, I admire it greatly. Not necessarily in a sexual way, either. Just the beauty of the physical appearance. I also love the less ssuperficial physical beauty of the physical universe. Rivers, lakes, mountains, hills, the lot. Again, I can often see beauty where others may not even think of looking.
"They tend to be big spenders."
Occasionally... I tend to hoard cash for ages, then all of a sudden blow a huge wad of it on something I just fancy having. I don't tend to limit myself definitely when I'm doing something for fun- such as travelling to see a friend, or going out for the day to a museum, etc- but I'm sensible with my money nonetheless.
"They like to live in beautiful surroundings and are fairly obsessed with keeping a clean house."
Lol, that's not me at all. The beautiful sorroundings, yes, but who doesn't? Again, what I find beautiful isn't always the same as everyone else's view. And keeping a clean house... if only you could see my bedroom. When I'm big and growd up with my own house, I'll be the one with piles of New Scientist by the chair in the living room, and a mountain of washing up by the sink. I'm not a slob, just not obsessed by being tidy.
"In your need for material things, you will even flirt to get what you want."
I do like to play with nice new things... The flirting... maybe. If I was more confident with my ability to flirt and it's effectiveness.
"And by the way, try to be a little more tolerant towards those who make snap decisions or seem impulsive, because not everyone is Libran."
I need to be near to the impulsive, snap decision- makers or else I'd never make a decision. I've recently bought a magic 8-ball because I desperately need help with choosing directions.
If you think you know me a little and you (dis)agree with any of my observations, feel free to comment. I won't be offended
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Latest reply: Nov 12, 2004
Astrological musings
Posted Nov 12, 2004
Starting with a desire to read EE's entry on Karma, a wild and twisty virtual trail of guide entries led me to one on astrology.
The first information it gave me was based around relationships between Librans (myself an example thereof) and Scorpios. This prompted me to google the relationship to get more details.
The basic consensus was that as a Libran I am easily attracted to Scorpios (I don't know of many Scorpios in my life, but the ones I know/ have known and are aware that they are Scorpios I do find attractive to a high degree), and that a relationship between Scorp's and Librans would either be immensley fulfilling, long lasting and a match made in heaven, or a union with cycles a little out of sync which would build on each other and eventually smash itself apart in some great cataclysm. The sex, incidentally, is supposed to be dynamite either way.
This got me thinking further- for the first time I realised that my only two girlfriends to date have both been scorpios... now I'm not usually one that goes in for this astrology stuff- just think it's interesting to look at from time to time.
Suffice it to say, both relationships started off good and blew themselves apart in a great catastrophe (O.k, a little exagerration there- call it poetic license).
The question is this:
Do I-
1. Avoid Scorpios at all cost, make a vow never to enter into a close emotional relationship with one again because it's likely it'll never work?
2. Keep looking for Scorpios as I seem to be naturally attracted to them (O.k, two out of the population of the planet does not indicate a 'natural attraction to Scorpios', but that's by the by) in the hope that the next one will be THE one- the one who will be the dynamite, everlasting, match forged in the centre of the eternal suns of bliss?
3. Think 'what a coincidence' and carry on as usual?
Who can tell. I can only surmise that the route I take will be the wrong one, and probably won't be chosen by me anyway.
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Latest reply: Nov 12, 2004
Word of the Day
Posted Nov 5, 2004
Sitting in my grandparents kitchen, I saw a word formed by the juxtaposition of their Flour and Biscuit tins. The word I saw was "Flocuit". I wondered if this word was recognised at all. So I had a look. has no record of the word "Flocuit", but gives the definition of "Floc" as: "A flocculent mass formed in a fluid through precipitation or aggregation of suspended particles", and UIT is said to be an acronym for Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope.
So either "flocuit" is a flocculent mass formed in a fluid through preciptitation or aggregation of Ultraviolet Imaging Telescopes, or... it isn't. I'm inclined to go with the latter.
So I googled it- surprise surprise, no entries at all.
But I think such a succulent word as "flocuit" should exist and should be given meaning. But what?
Answers on a postcard, please. Or just reply to this post.
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Latest reply: Nov 5, 2004
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