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I do miss you so

Post 1


Hi Ravager. I have had fine evening with many friends you do like, but I do miss you so much. We did play you. You sounded fine but they did not hear. They did make merry and try to make me feel merry, but I did not hear them, I could only hear you. You have very fine voice 'cept recording is old and scratchy and bit where record stuck and did repeat as always but that was cool 'cos I 'membered when we did laugh over bad recording and Albert not managing to take it out despite all LA posh equipment and him being top totty recording person and all...but you still sound so cool... my most biggest hero...and sexy too...but only for me...otherwise I would be most shrewish.
I hope I did do everything right and as you would like. Pups are so excellent. You were fine dad...proper hound... most perfect person in galaxy.
Ravager pup is grown to proper hound too... but you did see that, I know. When he sang songs (after God slot bit that was very beautiful in garden house that we made for you which was most splendid and better than any garden that has been before... men in black suits did say) he did sound like himself for first time. Strong voice which did speak loud and say 'I am' and 'I am proud to be son of Ravager'. I was so proud mouth did open and eyes leaked. Not very pretty and I did use paper to mop up leaky eyes so you would not think I was stupid old dog.
Baby boots is also 'stremly fine. She is so very like you. She is centred and knows who she is and what the universe is did teach her well...but she is so young to have such bad times. Now I just miss and am sorry... For all the times I did not take enough care of you and did not listen to your special words when I should have done...and did not do your feet...that was going to be on sunday...but I know that despite that you do love me. You did grow me and know me like no one else. I feel your beautiful hands on my shoulders when they are so heavy. It is not the same now... I do miss you so much. peeps are very kind but they are not you. I am writing to site that you were pleased I did find. They are kind peeps too. Some are very fine and do special things like changing light bulbs and practical. Others just share pain that they too have suffered and try to make mine better. they know they can't but they are kind enough to share...which is special.
I have piece which may be in proper edited guide...'member you read it and said 'It's OK but not you my boots'. Well very fine editor has done proper things with grammar and stuff and it now reads like almost book stuff...not me though eh? but a well rehearsed play but with no buzz from the live performance. But that is good too...we know that... records sell...performance lives and breathes and fortifies the soul... there is a time for both. I am going to bed soon Ravager. I am so very tired...I miss you so much. I hope you are having most fine time on your new journey and that peeps you know are taking the best care of you and introducing you to many fine peeps that you have not met before. I hope there is music there too. Do you want me to send a spare set of guitar strings? I am sure I can find a way. I love you so much...It is not same without you.
I will talk more later but now you must go and party and have good times.
I love you and I know you love me...we will talk more tomorrow whenever that may be.
Your stupid boots

I do miss you so

Post 2


smiley - hug

Boots, you are such an amazing person. smiley - cuddle

I don't know what to say.

smiley - blacksheep

I do miss you so

Post 3


Bit of a leaky eye moment...sorry.
Thank you for changing the light bulbs.
take care young wolf

I do miss you so

Post 4


Leaking is good. I didn't shed a tear at my grandmother funeral, and years later, I hate myself for it.

smiley - cry

smiley - blacksheep

I do miss you so

Post 5


Never hate young wolf. It is the badest pain and solvest nought.
It is a cancer that we create but don't have to.
look to the future and remember fondly the past...specially don't hate others it is the greatest healer!
take care
boots (the old philosopher!)

I do miss you so

Post 6


This is the sort of thing that people should be saying to you. smiley - cuddle

...amazing person!

smiley - blacksheep

I do miss you so

Post 7


You've heard of the English stiff upper lip? Well, it can poison you. It's good to cry. Grief is a natural part of the process, and pretending that everything is ok when it so obviously isn't creates tons of stress. Expressing your grief will help you heal.

The old custom of a mourning period was good. Now, we are expected to jump back into things as if nothing ever happened. smiley - sadface I think it's because grief makes other people uncomfortable. And it frightens them because they know that their time is coming and they don't want to think about it.

smiley - hugsmiley - rose

I do miss you so

Post 8


Never fear Hypatia Miss wobble lip leaky eyes does bawl in bucket loads..just try not to make others uncomfortable...or too wet! I agree the 'old days' of mourning were a pretty good idea but hand wringing on own can get tedious even for the wringer, lonely too. Actually I think leaking in stages is possibly more healthy on reflection. In the 'old days' after mourning was done one was expected to have mega stiff upper lip and wear black forever...I do look good in black mind...but now at least it is OK to share and care and love. Angela got exceedingly drenched this morning and the flowers are positively floating! This site is so good.
Take care
boots (heading for the daily spin dryer!)

I do miss you so

Post 9


You could carry one of those little personal fans. Then you could dry out where ever you are. smiley - smiley Besides the spin dryer will give you a headache. smiley - yikes

I do miss you so

Post 10


That's what's doing it...rats!

I do miss you so

Post 11


I can think of nothing to say that isn't fatuous, but I just want you to know I'm here and thinking of you.

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