This is the Message Centre for Piece of the puzzle

Hello Traveller

Post 1


Now that you have created your personal space you might like to choose a nickname other than the default of Researcher 213959. You can do that in Preferences (click on the link on the left hand side of the page).

An ACE (Assistant Community Editor) should be along to welcome you properly some time with some helpful hints and interesting pages to visit, but the rest of us are mostly harmless too. I see you have already found out about the Smileys. smiley - smiley There are a lot more pages of information about how to use h2g2. You can find a list at or navigate through from the Front Page (another link on the left). To find out about other people on h2g2, just click on the links formed from their names in conversations.

If you need any help, press the reply link under this message or try to ask questions on the relevant page. It is not always easy to find the right place! smiley - winkeye

Hello Traveller

Post 2

Piece of the puzzle

Hello SEF,
thankyou for welcoming me, how nice to see there's someone out there... I thought I would get stuck helplessly in space floating with other equally vapouring minds and just occasionnaly colliding with a helpful guide book.
This here h2g2 site is the largest "forum" I've ever seen - I hope I won't get myself lost! Being a traveller is fine but where does one travel once one is stuck? OK I know "upwards and outwards".smiley - flyhi
Oh yes, I got myself a nickname, fetching and mysterious, just as I amsmiley - biggrin

Now comes the tricky bit. Travelling without a map of wherever I am, I need a qualified smiley - scientist or a bright smiley - star(like you?!) to help me outta a problem: I posted a question about making games but chosesmiley - blush the wrong place and people to read it.
I was told to re-post/esmiley - footprints it in an 'OpenQuestions' section: where Ooo where is the button to get to there from where I stuck my question, and how to I move it??? It's all foreign to me and I'm babelfishing unsuccessfully.
I'm sending you a hypoallergenic smiley - hug and wish you a Happy New Year.

Hello Traveller

Post 3


We seem to have lost a lot of researchers to deep space. They lose the login which anchors them to h2g2 world and go floating off. Sometimes they find a new way to teleport in though. However, there are also some deliberate lurkers with their SEP fields - blank personal spaces and almost invisible activities...

There isn't a map to h2g2 (too many hyperlinks for normal space), but from <./>NamedEntries</.> you should have found the <./>Index</.>. You could also follow down the life, universe and everything categories from the Front Page (another link on the left hand side of page frames).

You can't move an incorrectly posted thread yourself (though the site operators can if they feel it necessary). Unlike your personal space page and any other articles you write, you can't edit or delete your conversation posts at all. So it is best to be careful - stop, think and preview before you post anything you might regret later. smiley - sadface Having said that though, us mostly harmless people are fairly forgiving too! smiley - smiley

If you write anything that seriously upsets people they may press the Yikes button to alert the moderators. This is an exclamation mark in a circle on the right of each post if you are still in the default site skin, otherwise it might look like a shocked face smiley. Similarly, if you find something on the site to be too offensive, press the button yourself. It shouldn't happen very often because this is essentially a friendly community.

I'll pootle off and look for a better place for you to post your question while you read all the above.

Hello Traveller

Post 4


It looks like "Zarquon's Singing Fish" has already given you some fairly good advice on how to proceed. Use the "My Space" or "My Conversation" links on the left to get back to conversations and click on the one labelled "A918236 - I want to make a special needs game" to see his reply. Alternatively this link (F48874?thread=235319&latest=1) should work but I thought you ought to know how to do it both ways. Make a copy of the instructions in Notepad (or on real paper) as you won't be able to see them while you are carrying them out - unless you make a duplicate browser window for this.

It is important that you move the entry out of PeerReview first as it really is not appropriate for that forum.

<./>Askh2g2</.> is a perfectly reasonable place to post this type of advert asking for people's help. Be sure to put in a sensible subject title such as "Help wanted to make a special needs game" so that people will understand what it is about and be able to find it again easily. Then include the page address in the main text and it should automatically be turned into a link. For example, "For more information see page A918236." would be enough. People will either reply to that conversation thread or post their own messages attached to your article. Note that an article number will not be turned into a link if you put it in the title.

If you want to make sure your message is seen in the flurry of activity on Askh2g2, then watch that space to pick a good time. Many people are on in the early evening (GMT) but there are a fair number in the morning once it has got going! You can see the number by clicking the "Who's Online" link on the left of the page frame. smiley - smiley

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