This is the Message Centre for jajo

hi jajo... a LDers welcome...

Post 1

Loup Dargent

hi jajo...

a quick hello before i go offline for a while...

glad you could make it...smiley - smiley

if you click on this number U201567 that will take you to the LDers space... say hi and your name will be added to the list...smiley - cool

also as you're using a digibox you might/will find that accessing long conversations can be a problem... well, it used to be but now there is a special skin/background which helps a lot...

click on this link:

and, as long as you can see the word plain in the box, click on "update details"... the plain skin is still a prototype, it was released as a favour to the digibox users, so it's not completly finished yet but it sure does the trick...smiley - biggrin

some of us have added the search facility and other links on our spaces so that even on plain skin we can still use these useful facilities...

talk soon...smiley - surfer

smiley - cracker

smiley - holly

loupsmiley - fullmoon

ps: you can access my space by clicking on my name at the top of the message or/and this number U200238

smiley - fullmoon

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hi jajo... a LDers welcome...

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