This is the Message Centre for Jean Grey


Post 1


Tishura told me you were on. You don't know me, but I'm a friend of hers too, so if you need navigating this strange world of h2g2, drop me a line. But if you know how to do all those smileys already, you probably don't need my help. Oh well! The offer still stands. Have fun!


Post 2

Jean Grey

I already know that you know Tishura, that is why she told me not to tell anyone that I had joined h2g2 (incase you worked out who I am). I don't wish to sound like your brother or wish to pull the stunt that he did (he frightened Tishura half to death), but I do know who you are (and you know who I am), we go to the same school...but due to the content on this site, I don't think you will ever find out my true Identity.

I am sorry about that.smiley - cheerupsmiley - coolsmiley - smileysmiley - tongueoutsmiley - cuddlesmiley - flyhismiley - ok


Post 3


Tishura wont tell me who you are, but you know me..hhmmmm...Are you in my year?


Post 4

Jean Grey

I am not telling you...remember I see you often and I know what you will do if you know who I am!!!

Have a Happy New Year!!!


Post 5

Elentari too.


Post 6


I can't add you to my friends list until you give me a clue who you are - otherwise we're not friends, are we? Just tell me if you're in my year.


Post 7

Jean Grey

Well...I will have to live with the hurt of never having you as a friend on here...*sniff*smiley - cry*sniff*. Pheonix you know why I can't tell you who I am, so don't ask...and don't pester Tishura!smiley - grr See you at school.

Have fun!


Post 8


OK fine.


Post 9


Have you seen the X-men film? The new one (out this year I think) looks good!


Post 10

Jean Grey

haven't yet but i probably will when it comes out.


Post 11


You haven't seen the 1st one though?


Post 12

Jean Grey

Yep, I have...I know, how sad!


Post 13


What's worse - I've got it on video! I quite like it though. The new one's supposed to be much better.


Post 14

Jean Grey

Really? I would get the video...but i am too poorsmiley - cry i however, will make a point about seeing x-men. I hope that you enjoy tenis and don't push Tishura to hard...she isn't extreemly atheletic and regards your opinions very highly(i don't know if that made any sense) but she thinks whatever you say is extreemly important.


Post 15


I know, thanks a lot. You seem to know a lot about me...smiley - smiley


Post 16

Jean Grey

i i said, i know you from school(without trying 2 sound creepy) anyway...i hope to see you around.

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