How good is this site?

Why have I only just found this site? I didn't even know it exsisted until i got the new Dougie Adams book for Christmas. And Christmas did come early for me because my useless boyfriend dumped me about 2 weeks before Christmas but still gave me all my presents. Bargain, and i didn't have to buy any back cos i was dumped. So i read the book and checked out the site. I love them both.

The only trouble is is that i don't get to visit it too often because the kids are always on the computer and if i go on it after they've gone to bed then i end up staying up til stupid'o'clock and being completely useless the next day. As is happening now. Oh dear.

But now I've done something about an introductiony thing I will probably check in excitedly and regularly for a while in the hope that somebody wants to talk to me. If anyone does then here i am. Does that sound too desperate?????

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Opinions? Jan 7, 2003


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Researcher U212344


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