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Hi Webwitch!

Post 1


I've just reviewed your first entry to Peer review and when I noticed you were new I thought I'd drop by to say hello....

I'm not pagan myself but my ex girlfriend was Alexandrian Wicca o I know a little about it..

There's a couple of other vegan's on site as well.. U193899 vegantoo is one she's working on an entry on Vegan Nutrition offline at the moment..

Hope to see you around soon..

smiley - zoom

Hi Webwitch!

Post 2


Nice to meet you smiley - smiley I'm off to check out your review in less than a tick! (Obsessive? Moi?)

Hi Webwitch!

Post 3


Oooh I know the feeling I get really obbessive when I have an entry in Peer Review, as I do at the moment actually! when it was my first I was terrible. I do hope i haven't offended you too much ...

I'll drop by and review your entry on blue star wicca as well if you'd like..

Let me know if you need any help with footnotes etc.

See you soon

smiley - sheepsmiley - batsmiley - cat

Hi Webwitch!

Post 4


Offended? If you'd said "Oh, that was rubbish", I would have been upset, but you have been polite, encouraging and friendly. So there.

Hi Webwitch!

Post 5


Oh good, hope you got the techy problem sorted out?

smiley - bluesmiley - scientist

Hi Webwitch!

Post 6

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

hope you dont mind awfully if i just come on and say hello?

smiley - dragon

Hi Webwitch!

Post 7


Technical hitch unhitched smiley - smiley


Hi Webwitch!

Post 8

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

hi there! smiley - biggrin

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