Journal Entries

Happy New Year!!

Oops.. nearly a year since my last journal entrysmiley - erm
Well, looking at my to-do list from last year I've managed to do quite a few of themsmiley - ok
I bought an electro-dictionary and a mobile, I got my ears pierced, I'm on my way to a driver's licence and to London.
Not bad...

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Latest reply: Jan 1, 2004

My birthday is coming up on the 24th!

At last I'm an 18 year old smiley - cheers Hooray!
Cherryfish's Birthday Want List
smiley - magicAn Electro-dictionary.
Everybody has one but I kept missing the chance to get one so why not now?
smiley - earthA mobile.
Same as above - everybody has one but I just didn't get around to buying one.
smiley - monsterGet my ears pierced.
smiley - rocketStart taking driving lessons.
smiley - busA trip to London.
(What wouldn't I give...)
smiley - wahAnd one more thing...I WANT TO GO TO THE MEET THIS WEEKEND !!!!!

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Latest reply: Feb 4, 2003

Happy New Year ! Look at my New Year's To-do List! And scoff! And take bets on how many days it's going to last me!!!

smiley - puff 1. I will lose weight. At least 5kgs (not sure how much that is in stones).
smiley - cake2. I will consume no food whatsoever apart from meals, which I will keep to no more than 3 times a day.
smiley - bigeyes 3. I will read lots of books. 1 every week at the minimum, a good fat one.
smiley - loveblush 4. I will stop obsessing about the Guy That Was Never Mine, and get real.
smiley - yikes 5. I will work very hard in college, not panic the night before exams and hand in every assignment by its due date.
smiley - zoom6. I will get a driving license.
smiley - hangover 7. I will not drink beyond capacity...although that's something I'll worry about when I'm 18 AND in England because here you're not supposed to drink until you're 20... and I will always be capable of walking straight home after any party.

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Latest reply: Jan 17, 2003

Christmas 2002

What did I do this Christmassmiley - holly?
I slept in till noonsmiley - zzz and woke up for lunch, opened presentssmiley - gift and saw my sister off to her skiing tripsmiley - ski. Then I foundsmiley - eureka crayons with an ancient colouring book still half uncoloured so I coloured in a picture. Then I thought about opening my sister's new game which you plug into your TV and swing the racket-shaped controller around to score in a game of tennissmiley - borg against the guy inside the box, but declined thinking about the tantrumsmiley - weird she'll throw when she finds it open. Then I decided to wear something a bit better than old jeans for the partysmiley - disco that night so I got ready, and took a train to the posh area of the city where the partysmiley - cracker would be held that night. The host owned this huge flat which took up the whole of the top floor, and had huuuuuge glass windows from where you can see for milessmiley - bigeyes. It was incrediblesmiley - magic. Anyway we tried some of the food but didn't really like itsmiley - yuk so 4 of us ended up playing cards over packets after packets of crispssmiley - crisps and tortilla chips. The boring bit was that we had to leave at 12smiley - fullmoon because some "responsible adults" started worrying about trains homesmiley - groan, and the last train was more crowded than expected smiley - puff

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Latest reply: Dec 27, 2002

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