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Just an idea..

Post 1


This table in hades.hows aout a circular table for the senir members..and around that (n a little way ut obviously) a narrower table that ort of forms a larger ring around the one in the middle for everyone else if that makes sense?

Just an idea..

Post 2


sounds nice, but then they would have their backs to us.

i was thinking just a long table, seniors one side and trainees the other.

the main problem is what extra powers do the seniors have? i was thinking that they could have the power of a double vote. so whatever they vote for recieves 2 accomodations.

also, if they all vote to dismiss an issue, it goes. and if they all vote the same in a ballot then the other vote score becomes irrelevent.

but i can't be done with that today, tomorrow my girlfriend is going to finish it. i don't really care but i still hate this bit.

Just an idea..

Post 3


I didnt think of that smiley - doh

smiley - huhsmiley - yikes

how you know shes gonna do that? n why you not care? ..dont have to say if you dont wanna smiley - cuddle

Just an idea..

Post 4


i just dosmiley - winkeye and i've been expecting it so thus am ready. might as well let her do it. she told me on the first date that she has never been dumped as she does the dumping. i on the other hand have never dumped. may as well keep two records in tact instead of go against the nature of thingssmiley - biggrin

to keep three records in tact i have to discover she cheated on mesmiley - erm

Just an idea..

Post 5


hmmmm ..i doubt you've been seeing her long enough for that.. though she did go to greece for 2 weeks smiley - yikessmiley - laugh..dont be so paranoid!..i know its not easy not be though..its hard to at least in part prejudge people on how others were.
you could be being para about the whole thing! ...unless you know youve done something to really upset her or somethig,y'know..something dumpworthy smiley - erm

Just an idea..

Post 6


i have been careful not to do that so i doubt it is my fault entirely.

i just sense an empty residedness in her and i know that is wrong asi felt it twice before with the last two,and guess what happenedsmiley - whistle

what would be dumpworthy anywaysmiley - huh

Just an idea..

Post 7


mmm hard one that as its different for everyone i guess..dumpworthy for me would be cheating, badly lieing to me, generally being a shithead..that type of thing...but for someone else it could be what they see as coming on too strong.. or being clingy/posessive. our Steve for instance is the hopelessly romantic sort..he once bought a girlfriend (fairly new) a gorgous necklace n took her out for a posh meal for valentines day..she dumped him! smiley - erm

or sometimes it can take a while to realise you just dont really work with someone..n thats never anyones fault.

your records nearly as bad as mine smiley - yikes
'visions of being stuck in the old peoples home with you both still bloody single' smiley - yikessmiley - laugh

Just an idea..

Post 8


smiley - yikes you'll never get me in an old peoples home. i dreamt my death once, a rather lonely affair after a life full of experiences. weirdest thing yet but i think it is true, so real, i think i was being shown something but i am not sure whysmiley - huh

and i have been none of the above. clingy! me? i am the one that runs and hides remembersmiley - winkeye

Just an idea..

Post 9


but surely being cold and distant can be just as off putting? you can be left wondering how someone feels..if they care at all you were with that Jenny.hmmmmmmmmmmmm

you think it was preminatory rather than just a dream then?

Just an idea..

Post 10


oh yes, without a doubt. there was someone there watching me watch my death, but my death was all alone yet i was aware of great achievements.

and when you did my cards i knew i would get the devil and death, iwas not at all surprised when a load of gold coloured ones came out at the end neither. i know i laughed, that was why.

Just an idea..

Post 11


you laughed before they were put out smiley - erm
i thought it was me!

i wasnt really in the right frame of mind to do it that night.. the telly was on..thats a distraction..i hadt takn the time to really relax before hand, was trying to be fairly quick etc... not good.
wheras as if its nice n quiet n you can sit for a while n just switch off to everything outside n turn down the noise in your head (i find a couple of particular doors trcks eally good for that) n just totally relax..thats when you get the insight.

Just an idea..

Post 12


i am going offline now.

will let you know how it goes, should single by half 2smiley - ok

nightsmiley - kiss

Just an idea..

Post 13


half 2 tonight? smiley - erm

youve got videos havent you smiley - bigeyes
i want one!

night smiley - kiss

Just an idea..

Post 14


whoa, what do you mean by videos? i don't believe in porn if that is what you are sayingsmiley - bigeyes

and half 2 tomorrow afternoon. we are meeting 'for a drink' at 2smiley - cheers


Just an idea..

Post 15


hang on hang on.. i meant just ordinary videos! the ones you often to take to work to stop from fallling asleep!..hence the going offline smiley - laugh

Just an idea..

Post 16


ah, yeah i got loads smiley - ok

and....i am single againsmiley - magic

Just an idea..

Post 17


you ok? (smiley - hug)

everybody's got bad news today it seems smiley - sadface

Just an idea..

Post 18


yeah i'm ok, i'm free againsmiley - boing

who's got bad news?

Just an idea..

Post 19


youre not all upset about it then? i thought you really liked this one? smiley - erm ...

A friend just droped a bit of a bomb..hope shes ok.

Just an idea..

Post 20


nice girl an all, but i just don't want a girlfriend at the moment. i have bigger fish to frysmiley - biggrin

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