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hello Wazzo

Post 121


oh really..................smiley - laugh

no hun i've recieved nothing yet...

i hope its nothing toooooooo rude..smiley - evilgrin cos the work checks incoming mail *& blocks some .....innuendo is cool...

how long ago did you send it..

hello Wazzo

Post 122


bout 20mins, more than likely it's telepest again dont worry im having loads of probs with my e-mails and no it wasn't rude smiley - rofl
Disparesmiley - laugh

hello Wazzo

Post 123


never mind hun i'm sure it'll surface sometime...smiley - hug

oh don't you think its about time you got out of your jim jams dear..smiley - evilgrinsmiley - laugh

it is past noon afterall...smiley - rofl

hello Wazzo

Post 124


Ahem i already have Showered washed swede and dressed my dearsmiley - roflyou have to be quicker than that mysmiley - angel
and it'll probably surface in a year or several thousandsmiley - rofl
smiley - grrsmiley - cross@smellyvest

now where was i oh yea gives Wade a major wedgie and

smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

hello Wazzo

Post 125


ooohhh that smarts......smiley - laugh

right you ....(grabs top of thong) got ya (gives liz a wedgie)

smiley - nahnah..smiley - evilgrin would you like some soothing icecubes dear...smiley - rofl

hello Wazzo

Post 126


owwww you nearly split me in two thensmiley - wahsmiley - laughsmiley - wahsmiley - laughsmiley - wahthought you said you were a gentlemansmiley - huh don't know wether to smiley - laughorsmiley - wah

you wait Wade im going to get you for thatsmiley - tongueoutblows rasberrysmiley - roflsmiley - run's off in search of her leg waxing kit for Wades fluffy bitssmiley - evilgrin

hello Wazzo

Post 127


smiley - sorry hun did'nt mean to pull so hard you need an icecube or cold pack applying i am here to help..smiley - evilgrin...(slaps wrist..smiley - laugh..)

ooowww ....anyway how do ya know i have any fluffy bits to wax....smiley - nahnah..smiley - rofl

hello Wazzo

Post 128


Corrr ive got a friction burn in me cr (dont go there Liz)
i could suggest a remedy "leave it"smiley - devilsmiley - rofl

oh i bet you have "somewhere"Wadesmiley - evilgrinwont take me long to find them trust mesmiley - evilgrin

smiley - ticklesmiley - ticklesmiley - evilgrin<blows asmiley - kissandsmiley - run's smiley - nahnah

hello Wazzo

Post 129


yeah baby..smiley - laugh

would you like me to apply a salve my dear...smiley - winkeyesmiley - evilgrin
smiley - ticklesmiley - kisssmiley - tickle

hello Wazzo

Post 130


sneaks back insmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintsapply's wax srip to Wades bum(after yanking down his celvins)and rips it off Very quick before Wade can blink an eye, haha gotchasmiley - roflsmiley - somersaultsmiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run's smiley - laughing her head offsmiley - nahnah

hello Wazzo

Post 131


smiley - evilgrinwould've been an excellent idear my dear if i hadn't just waxed your left butt cheeksmiley - laugh

Blowssmiley - kiss to Wade from a safe distancesmiley - run's

hello Wazzo

Post 132


i ...ooohh ouch....i hope you realise waxing works both ways my dear..,smiley - evilgrin but just in case there are minors watching i won't say....smiley - laugh

(grabs liz & places an icecube where the sun don't shine)...smiley - laughsmiley - ya..smiley - run

hello Wazzo

Post 133


Ahem i have myself defluffed aka waxed every six weeks dosn't bother me one jotsmiley - rofl

smiley - evilgrinsmiley - cheers for the ice-cube hunni it't slipped and has cooled down me piles(joke before you say argh)smiley - rofl

Psssttt gotta go at 2.30 today hubby home early todaysmiley - sorryhunni

right back to my task "in hand"("leave it")

smiley - borgsmiley - tomatosmiley - cheesecakesmiley - tomatosmiley - chocsmiley - cheesecakesmiley - flansmiley - strawberriesand ooo look what i foundsmiley - rocketsmiley - nahnah

hello Wazzo

Post 134


you know what that means dear..smiley - evilgrin you've made a mess & you'll have to lick it up...

no worries dear...smiley - rofl

i'm on nights next week so if you want to email me you can i'll reply over night for you hun......

mmmmmm defluffed regularly....smooth as a babys bot....(slaps wrist harder)...smiley - laugh

hello Wazzo

Post 135


I know why you havn't got your e-mail hunni it's just been sent back to me saying unreconised addresssmiley - sadfacedid you give me the right one or is it my server againsmiley - wahbet its my serversmiley - grr

hello Wazzo

Post 136


[email protected]

thats my addy hun...

hello Wazzo

Post 137


Der>smiley - doh it's me missed the second wsmiley - sorrydarlingsmiley - hugBigsmiley - kiss

gives likkle Wade the biggest Sqeezestsmiley - cuddle

im gonna try again later and i'll promise to keep it clean trust

mesmiley - evilgrin

awwwww im gonna miss you, ive not smiley - laughed so much like i have this week in months, ive realy enjoyed having a smiley - laughwith you

smiley - ticklesmiley - kisssmiley - run

hello Wazzo

Post 138


good i'm glad..smiley - laugh

it hopefully won't stop you leaving messages though..promise i will reply......

oh//& you can email me as well if you like i'll definately reply..smiley - laugh

hello Wazzo

Post 139


smiley - evilgrinmight stay up bit later to catch yousmiley - laughyou never know

and i promise i'll mail you toosmiley - evilgrin

hello Wazzo

Post 140


smiley - kisssmiley - cuddles....

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