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hello Wazzo

Post 101


ahhhh...smiley - rofl i could'nt possibly tell now could i..smiley - laugh

that would'nt be fair.....roflmao

hello Wazzo

Post 102


i'll leave you till later "someday somehow"smiley - laugh i'll get you my pretty"and your likklr dog toosmiley - roflsmiley - evilgrin

hello Wazzo

Post 103


crawl's out from beneath the duvetsmiley - yawnmorning hunsmiley - sleepyfancy a cuppasmiley - tea

Ohsmiley - groanive got some serious gardening to do today, mind you looks like rainsmiley - evilgrinmight have to stay insmiley - rofl

hello Wazzo

Post 104


morning hun..smiley - hug

yes please that would be great....

how are you gardening..oh deary me....smiley - evilgrin

hello Wazzo

Post 105


smiley - cuddlesmiley - yawnpads in from kitchen bringing insmiley - teasmiley - tea slids back under duvet on settee (she dragged down from bedroom earlier)dad went back home yesteday

smiley - evilgrinno gardening today oh well have to stay in and chat to you then hunsmiley - biggrin

hello Wazzo

Post 106


so your poor old dad has gone home then.....hows he doing?

7 you still wrapped under the duvet on the sofa....smiley - laugh spose your watching the trisha show then....smiley - rofl..go on then move over hun room for a small un...,smiley - evilgrin

hello Wazzo

Post 107


(dont answer that one Liz)<rofl
smiley - biggrin
lift's up duvet course i have hunnismiley - evilgrinslide insmiley - rofl

smacks his bum Trisha?? nah im listening to the new c.d my son
bought me last night (Nicklebacks) somedaysmiley - biggrintis soooosmiley - cool

nowt poor bout "pa larkin"smiley - roflhe's got a well happy life what with me looking after him and now he's doing so well he's gone to spend a likkle time at his smiley - chick's
whome will no doubt spoil him rottensmiley - laugh he's doing a little too well me thinks Wadesmiley - rofl

By the way.... your feet are smiley - brr

hello Wazzo

Post 108


good old dad..smiley - laugh

smiley - sorry bout the cold feet ...lift ya bum up then i'll put me feet underneath....smiley - laughsmiley - rofl...

crikey its warm in here...smiley - evilgrin

hello Wazzo

Post 109


how do you fancy cold hands down your.......("leave it Liz")smiley - rofl

im hot stuffsmiley - roflmaybe that has something to do with my HOT water bottle then

smiley - evilgrinnow what are we going to do then? sleep?smiley - roflthat i can do alonesmiley - rofl

i know lets play scrabblesmiley - rofl

hello Wazzo

Post 110


cold hands eh...smiley - evilgrin....ok...smiley - laugh

mmmm i wonder ..playing scrabble is good..smiley - laugh & hot stuff hey..smiley - laugh..okkkkkkkkkkkk i'll go with that..

smiley - laugh your a temptress you are..smiley - evilgrin

hello Wazzo

Post 111


Moi<flutterseyes@Wadesmiley - smileytemtress?nah neversmiley - evilgrin

smiley - brrhands warmsmiley - love

so whats your first word then?smiley - rofl and no cheating or else i'll go get mysmiley - sporksmiley - evilgrinand you know where that's going to gosmiley - roflor do i get the icecubes
orsmiley - strawberriessmiley - winkeye

damn smiley - sorry got the fit of giggles<boardslidesoffduvetsmiley - smiley

hello Wazzo

Post 112


mmmm any will do i'm easy as they say..smiley - laugh...

mind you there could be forfits & as i'm fully dressed & your under a duvet...smiley - roflsmiley - evilgrin

ok ahem whip

hello Wazzo

Post 113


smiley - sorry had to read that twice then thought you said something else in your second sentencesmiley - puffnearly fell off my stack thensmiley - rofl

hey!! i got my Garfield p.j's onsmiley - rofl
smiley - evilgrinforfitssmiley - bigeyeshmmmm wonder what they could be?

thought you didnt like whip'ssmiley - ermkkkkk mines impsmiley - rofl

hello Wazzo

Post 114


garfield pj's hey....smiley - cool...smiley - laugh

ok praise is my word...

wjat else did you think i'd said then...go on spill the beans...smiley - laugh & as for for the forfits its on a need to know basis...smiley - laughsmiley - evilgrin

hello Wazzo

Post 115


imaginationsmiley - evilgrinbeat that one smiley - roflpunches the air hahahahahasmiley - laugh

smiley - yikescan't tell you that on here!! why else did i slide off the settee?smiley - rofl use your imagination

and "i need to know" dont you dare start cheating Wade or elsesmiley - evilgrinthe calvin's get a wedgie AGAIN!smiley - rofl

hello Wazzo

Post 116


ooooooooiiiiiiiiii thats cheating....(wags finger) whos been a anughty girl then....smiley - evilgrin thats more than the seven pieces you should have.......oh dear forfit time......smiley - laugh

i would say.....but...

if you have an email addy i'l let you have mine by pcs down at home but you'd be welcom to the works i'm here most of the time ...smiley - laugh

hello Wazzo

Post 117


I do have an e-mail addy hunni but my personal addy's down toosmiley - laughim waiting for Telepest to rectify it so im using my kids addy at the mo, where do i send you an e-mail too hunni?

Oh dearey moi did i cheatsmiley - devilish smiley - evilgrin

go on do your worstready
for Wades forfit punishment

looks around for some protection ahha smiley - chocsmiley - cheesecaketeeheesmiley - run's

hello Wazzo

Post 118


I do have an e-mail addy hunni but my personal addy's down toosmiley - laughim waiting for Telepest to rectify it so im using my kids addy at the mo, where do i send you an e-mail too hunni?

Oh dearey moi did i cheatsmiley - devilish smiley - evilgrin

go on do your worstready
for Wades forfit punishment

looks around for some protection ahha smiley - chocsmiley - cheesecaketeeheesmiley - run's

hello Wazzo

Post 119


[email protected]

smiley - can run but you can't hide...

hello Wazzo

Post 120


Ooooo im soooo scared(not!!)smiley - rofl

you got mail (i hope)

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