This is the Message Centre for Researcher 211395
hi there 211395
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Started conversation Dec 9, 2002
I'm over across the 'pond', in Canada...just thought I'd pop in to say 'hello', 'welcome aboard',& all that. In the 'big picture', I'm still fairly new here myself, so I thought it might be a good idea to 'knock on a few doors' , & get to know a few of the new neighbors, so to speak. As you might guess from my nickname, foremost among my intersts, are Jazz & curry...but, don't want to bore you with details. Feel free to visit my space, if you like (but, come to think of it, just more of those boring details, there...hmmm
). Anyway, make yourself at home, lots here to poke your nose into...I've certainly poked around enough. Again, welcome aboard, we'll probably see you around - bye for now.
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hi there 211395
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