This is the Message Centre for Kenneth

Hi Kenneth...

Post 1

Captain Kebab

Hi and welcome to h2g2.

I'm Captain Kebab and I'm an ACE, or Assistant Community Editor, which means I've volunteered to help greet new researchers and try to make them feel at home here on h2g2. smiley - smiley

As far as what you have to offer in research goes - well the answer is as much or as little as you want. Some people produce masses of carefully researched academic articles about, well, life, the universe and everything, some people like to produce more light-hearted fun articles, and some like to just take part in the community and don't bother much writing articles at all - or you can do all three - it's all up to you.

There's loads to do here, so I've put together a page with some h2g2 links that you might find useful - you can get there by clicking this link: A794991. If you'd like to know any more or just want to talk you can click on the 'reply' button you'll see at the bottom of the page and I'll get back to you, or click on my name at the top and you'll find yourself at my personal space. You can leave a message for me there by clicking on 'discuss this entry'.

I hope to see you around soon... smiley - ok

Hi Kenneth...

Post 2


Captain Kebab - For my second in command, I find it abhorrant that you do not include a link to our hallowed home of WEE...

smiley - laugh

*waves at Kenneth*

Welcome to h2g2! Please stay a long long time... smiley - smiley

Hi Kenneth...

Post 3


Your "hallowed home of WEE"..?
I take it that's not in reference to the sound i (jokingly) make when im excited.. smiley - huh

Hi Kenneth...

Post 4


smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

No no. It's not the piggy noise.

I'm not sure what skin you use (If you have learnt what a skin is yet!) but aside from plain, you will see a cute little set of eyes next to some Researchers names which indicates that they are online. However, some Researchers got a little overexcited when these were introduced, and became paranoid and started up an organisation entitled POO to get rid of them (or as they claim - *change* them into something more sutible) I set up a counter-org. to celebrate the eyes...and it is called WEE! Captain Kebab has the A-space in his name...hang on...let me make you a link...

Hi Kenneth...

Post 5


A876648 <---- there you go. Go look! I have to add a few more graphics to the site, but it is a worthwhile cause!

Anyway, as a result of that, there are many many POO and WEE jokes flying around h2g2...

smiley - smileysmiley - laugh

Hi Kenneth...

Post 6


Ahh.. Hehe.. Thanks for clearing that up, i thought POO might have meant.. erm.. anyway, thanks smiley - smiley

Hi Kenneth...

Post 7


Poo does equal s**t...but that's another matter altogether smiley - smileysmiley - laugh

Hi Kenneth...

Post 8

Captain Kebab

Ooh, I say!

Welcome aboard Kenneth! smiley - biggrin

Saturnine - I don't put the link in link pages because I'm subtle - it's not always best to launch a full-frontal attack, sometimes a full-backal attack is called for. The poo won't even know it's been flushed until it's floating into the sewage farm.


(notice how you can't see the smiley)

Hi Kenneth...

Post 9



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