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Spynxxx Posted Sep 25, 2005
It's nice that your city has such an organization in place to help non-english speakers find work as well as an easy way for you to find them. A win-win situation for everybody
I value my privacy far to much to ever consider an apartment. I bought a condo in Virgina Beach, Virginia once upon a time but couldn't stand have neighbors that close.
And there's no way I'd flush money down the toilet on an apartment, though being able to simply call someone and saying "fix it" does have it's appeal, mostly after a ten hour day on the job.
It won't be long till the fall colors transform the forest into a multi-colored quilt of living wonder. Hope you've got your camera ready to capture the magic.
I always get a kick out of the squirrels burying nuts in preparation for the onset of snow, getting their little leafy nests all ship shape for a winters nap and fattening up till they're nearly round.
Now it's off to wish my mother a happy birthday so I shall chat with you later.
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Blue Bird Posted Sep 26, 2005
Learned my lesson yesterday about loosing an hour work into cyberspace, because h2 does this more than I’d like: when I want to present the fruit of my hard work—h2 tells me that I am an unknown hiker, sign in, register etc.
Now I am writing on WORD and will post it to TWO friends at once! The lesson was profitable and regaining my time, also here is spell check and that helps too.
This is to Spynxxx: yeah about your living place! A person like me certainly appreciate a house with nice surrounding space on a corner property facing one side a forest what is growing on a very steep hillside so there is no possibility to built ugly houses here anymore.
The animals--- free living “pets”—coming and going giving me for many years a lot of pleasure and company at meals: mostly at breakfast the birds and squirrels as steady visitors and some declaring as their territory what needs to be fiercely defended. Have a dove that is virtually living in the birdfeeder chasing brutally away all the other doves. The symbol of PEACE.
To Friend John-the-Gardener: have some hot chocolate ready? This morning it really was time for it! As much water is down South in this region is bone dry and burned out the soil, trees dropping burned leafs and the water bill is higher than ever. The ferns grew back most beautifully, that is the nicest in the large area covered with tall ferns.
Yeah, because this is what happens: when something gets destroyed by Nature, man is forced to rebuilt and so those places down South definitely will be no\nicer, cleaner and built better than before.
My work is finished at Collective: the story “Badass” last episode will be published next week.
To find it is in the Community stuff, our membership works what is very good with lots of lots of visual images.
This is for now!
Say welcome to fall, mostly this is the best part in a year in this part of this country.
From Long Island is no need to go anywhere else to look for colors at this time.
G’night! Thank God is Monday tomorrow an other beautiful day to enjoy. Blue bird
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Spynxxx Posted Sep 29, 2005
Hello Blue Bird,
I am happy to say that voting has commenced for h2g2 President. The voting info is located at A5889261 and will consist of sending an email with your h2g2 name, researcher number and your pick for President. Or to make it easy just follow the below by sending the info to the gmail address listed.
[email protected]
Blue Bird U211101
#1-Hypatia/Ozark Party
That's really all there is to it, easy as pie. Thanks you so much for your support in this, it really means a lot
And now off to finish up the rest of my campaign duties for the night. My computer has been acting up all week, even locking me out of hootoo for hours Things tend to back up so now it's a race to get the rest of my campaigning stuff finished before bed. I'll chat again soon my friend, till then take care.
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Blue Bird Posted Sep 29, 2005
Me too. Hello Spynxxx!
Congrat. to whatever you accomplished with your hard work.
Actually I don't know about this part of activity at h2. What does it mean to have this "government" in h2?
From the beginning there were the Editors and I never developed any close relationship with them. Only a few times I had to contact The Support when they locked me out REPEADETLY.
Now I am hanging out mostly in Collective. This week is marking the date when we finished the Cyber story of BADASSin 10 Episodes.
We are up to again to do more stuff in similar way: sharing fun and talents. We are looking for more talented people. You certainly have a very nice english language to write with, and now we will have an editor ( also writer) for text and an other artist for editing the illustrations. We are short in words, but very big with the picures but always need more inspiration to create more fun!
Would you be interested in some part of Collective fantastic cultural activities???
BADASS can be found on the pages of Collective if you look in the COMMUNITY section, because this is a member project where lot of other member's stuff is in art and fotos.
The numbers you gave me I'll look up, and what ever the Ozark party is all about I'll find out.
As you see I am also trying to promote our product lf "Badass" It's worth the clicks yo get there. Blue bird
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Spynxxx Posted Oct 4, 2005
Hello Blue Bird,
Sorry about the delay in my reply, just more of lifes little ups and downs getting in the way.
To answer your questions in order, government on hootoo is something that has been done before, but never to the extent that we are promoting. It is to give us all a central voice for concerns and problems, a rally point to promote a stronger and better site.
This is apart from the 'editer' side of things, as there is no involment on the part of the official h2g2 itallics in the election, though the elected officails will have a duty to keep abreast of things for the people, just like in real life...well not really as our government officials won't be lieing to anyone and the taxes will be much lower
As to Collective, many on this site have been intrigued by the Badass project and are now going to that site for a look see. The reviews have been most favorable, though I still maintain the belief that one can have a presence on both and have an even greater total experience. Each site, collective and h2g2, are individual and offer different things. To share in both is a benefit to both thr sites and the people who love them.
As to my own involment in the Collective,at this time I have to sayno. I am flattered beyond measure that you would ask, but my duties as a miner have to be my formost concern at this time. I've been rather limeted in computer time as of late and can see no way to split myself to properly give my full efforts to more than one thing at a time. This election campaign has even taken me away fromw commenting in the AWW for to long and I must rectify that situation first. I promise though, I will keep the offer in mind and should circumstances change I will gladly jion in the fun with you.
Now I am already late for bed and must go, but I will be back again tommorrow. Take care my friend, as always it is a joy to have you there to chat with.
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Blue Bird Posted Oct 4, 2005
As busy as the bees. Don't worry: You certainly are not alone up to your neck to be covered with duties.
Because the weather is so nice i have to do the final "corrections" around the house, the last days of warm weather.
Tomorrow I have the drivway to be sealed and that is about going to finish the outside work, beside putting the garden to sleep.
About h2 and Collective: this is my comment:h2 is grabing just too much, too many of everything.
Collective is more selective,can produce lot of creative stuff, publishes photos, artwork repros,-- so much for explaination.
However for silly conversations, chatting with no rhym or reason
there has to be a place as a chatting forum. Collective would not have the room for that-- I think.
Anyway: just take it easy,---no overloading is needed. Bbird with
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Spynxxx Posted Oct 5, 2005
No outside work going on here, just rain, rain and more rain. I shouldn't complain as it is needed, but it's knocking all the leaves off the trees and I had hoped to enjoy the beautiful colors again this weekend. Oh well, better luck next year.
I agree whole heartedly, there is a distinct need for two sights with such seperate points as h2g2 and collective. Just as diversity in real life leads to greater appreciation and understanding so to do different sites with different focus, yet both connected under a BBC banner and linked to one another. Just like brothers and sisters in a way, different yet not.
Did you get your vote sent out on the email address yet? Voting ends Friday and we are really hoping to win this thing, and with the support of wonderful folks like you we will.
I've returned
Blue Bird Posted Oct 6, 2005
While you were writing to me just now, I was writing at the same time to Hyp. Go over to my space it is next to your "returned"....
Just as well info for you too.
Ofcourse I voted on E-mail,Because YOU told me to do so! and Hyp contacted me hopefully to establish a new friendship. See what have you done? Congrat.
Hey there! Send some rain Please! We are having a very destructive drougth here. The trees burned leaves are falling on the ground. Shivered and very unhappy to loose them before time!And no color ofcourse!
Yeah, got the driveway half way done. Tomorrow is volunteer time for me in the hospital, and the week-end will be about PC fixing if my friend comes around.
I am trying to work on some of my Portfolio pages for Collective. It seems I'll do first travelouge stuff: " Far from home, but close to perfect." A journey I made about 10 years ago into the Pacific-North-West. But in Collective will be more pictures than words! Now you understand why I am there!
But don't worry I'll keep in touch with h2 friends: Old or New =(Young) no difference.
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Spynxxx Posted Oct 8, 2005
The election is over and yes, we have won!!!
Many thanks to you dear Blue Bird for your support as well as your vote, in the end we were the overwhelming favorites.
It has now stopped raining and the word snow has taken it's place on the weatherman's tongue. I'm not ready for that, especially in the first week of October! Sure, it'll melt as fast as it falls but just the thought of seeing it this early makes me feel a chill
Sounds like a busy weekend for you. My own plans consist of relaxing and getting the furnace ready for winter, various yard chores and then some more relaxing. Life is really tuff at times
I look forward to seeing your work in collective, just let me know when it's all up and ready. My own efforts now that the election is at an end are to return to my duties for the UnderGuide and start commenting once again. Not today though as I want the post election hoopla to calm a bit.
Off I go to start catching up on posts
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Blue Bird Posted Oct 10, 2005
There is a little poem just posted in AWW. "Fall and Spring."
The Earth goes around and around
It was not so long ago that Galileo Galilei was sent to jail because he said this!! you know humans can be just so amazingly stupid like those "sacred" leaders of that age!
We can not, we must not complain! blue bird
Just relax etc...You have done very well! Won't you be my manager some day?
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Spynxxx Posted Oct 12, 2005
Sometimes I fear that just such backward thinking is once again coming into vogue and it is religion that is at the center as usual. The "enlighted" always seem to fear progress and greater understanding as it undercuts their hold on the faithful.
Sad as this is, sometimes there are suprises in unexpected places and from which renew hope. Just the other day while watching the history channel I heard a Catholic Priest enspousing views that were very far from the doctrine of the church. Nothing new, just simple truths that folks like you and I take as simple fact but very openminded when considering the speaker .
And with our political right now using God to justify each and every action they take, where is this country headed? I am a firm believer in religous freedom and shudder to think that those of faiths other than Christianity suffer when such views alter the policy for everyone. Seperation of church and state should remain just that-seperate!
Sorry I got off on a rant there. Intolerance is a sore subject with me and I tend to get rather heated when reminded of the atrocities committed in the name of a higher power, the loss of great thinkers through persecution a bitter pill to swallow.
On a lighter note I am flattered that you found my actions during the campaign noteworthy. Alas, my political carrier began and ended with this election. Besides, I'm far to honest to ever be a top notch manager as I have a conscience and obay it
PS- I liked your poem, it summed up the season and put a smile upon my face. Thank you
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Blue Bird Posted Oct 13, 2005
Yeah, let's start at the end of your message, because that will give some answers to previous thoughts.
My poem ends with : "Earth,earth,earth,/ the Earth is turning"... ect.
When I wrote this I was thinking of Galileo Galilei who was in big trouble, because he said it what was there. He did not make it up!
Somuch for those almighty sacred people who are off more or less, but more,more off reality.
Spynxxx you are still very young that such nonesence things makes you say something or just anything about it.
When you'll get older you will just--- pay no attention and spend your time with more worthy stuff.
Here we got the rain what we wanted so badly after a long lasting drought! Now the North-East is flooded like the South was with Katrina!
About the Earthquake? I dare to say: the enormous amount of people died is partially because there are so many of them there. If in that part of the Earth would be no inhabitants, there would be no dead people. Nature has the way to controll things on Earth.
It is very sad when one has to learn the hard way!
Blue bird
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Spynxxx Posted Oct 14, 2005
If it's ceasing to care that marks the passage from young to old then I hope to stay young forever.
I understand that viewpoint, and I shared it myself as a younger man. But then I became a father and had to look out towards a world that my son would inhabit and that truly frighted me. What kind of world would he grow up in, how would free thought and free speech be recieved, would there be a return of persecution based upon utter nonsense as been the case time and time agin throuout history.
These are the reasons I have to care about such things, the reason I must rage against the machine when it threatens to devour the freedoms I had hoped for my offspring. That in my mind is all it takes to make it worthy of my attention for it is people in places of power, people that can affect change for all of us based on such faulty doctrine that pose the greatest threat.
Yes, the world does have a way of self correcting such things as balance and over population. That it is by a sometimes grusome method is regretable but sometimes that is the only way to make a point, just like giving a child a whack on the butt when they misbehave.
I hope you don't have flooding problems at your house. My basement is under constant threat so I am always a bit leary when it rains, but I could always move to the desert if I get to fed up
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Blue Bird Posted Oct 15, 2005
I take the liberty to ask you for consideration what I say here:
You are truly determened to defend your point of view, that is for sure.
Don't worry about your child! I know " easier said than done."
Nobody can change the world. One can make demages, one can make creative things, but basicly in our times with this amount of population it is not likely to make changes the way many people would like to see.
Your son will grow up and perhaps he really wants something else than you imagine. Parents always dream about their children to be great to be just so wonderful. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it does not. Sometimes children would be much better off to leave them alone!
I disapprove the behavior of those parents when they want to "mold" a child to their liking, what may be just a fantasy and can have very poor results.
Yes, ofcourse you are there to take care of him, but don't over do it.
There was a book I liked very much long time ago: " Love is not enough" Yeah---- science, knowledge is what tells you about many things what is the best for YOUR CHILD.
Strangely there is no standard rule to follow. You are different, your child is different now that is plenty to know, that you will not make him a life the way you want.
Just remember what was happening when you were growing up? What did your parents do? And that is always the same: parents are in a different time frame, than the next generation. That's it for now.
After 7 days the rain stopped and I saw the blue sky today. It was warm, like summer returned. That is very good thing I truly enjoy every minute of it.
Wish you the same. Blue bird
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Spynxxx Posted Oct 17, 2005
I think you've misinterpreted my original point. I am not trying to shape my son's life nor influence his choices in any way. I was angry that others in positions of power and authority attempt to limit his ability to make his own decisions by passing laws to suit their own agendas and beliefs. And this also goes for parents who try to make each and every decision for their children whether it is out of fear or ignorance in the fact that kids need to choose for themselves if they are to learn.
I am in agreement 100% on your distaste for parents who try to live their own lives vicariously through there children. I find such behavior beyond contempt, it taking freedom of choice away from a young person for purly selfish reasons. I have witneesed this exact thing personally and it is a main point of contention within the family to this day, making me an outcast of sorts because of my refusal to bow to others wishs rather than my own. And now the fight is over my son as I refuse to let him be coerced into doing things like sports when he has no desire to do such.
There are certain things which one must do of course, make sure the education is strong and the grades are up, be aware of who a child is 'hanging out' with and the like. These are responsibilities that a parent must contend with and do not fall under the 'freedom of choice' part. It's simply good parenting and a job which you cannot slack in.
I'm sorry, but I can not agree that there is no hope for change in this world as it is self defeatist thinking. One must continue to strive for change when change is needed, despite circumstances and adversity. It may be slow and difficult, but to do nothing is like giving up, quiting the fight when trouble arises.
On a happier note, the weather is supposed to be beautiful all week so enjoy it while you can as winter is soon to follow. I think I am going to miss feeding my squirrel friends when they take thier winters nap the most.
Till later
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Blue Bird Posted Oct 25, 2005
Please kindly look my UPDATED personal page with my Halloween message. blue bird
double check Web page. Thank you. bb
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- 21: Spynxxx (Sep 25, 2005)
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- 24: Blue Bird (Sep 29, 2005)
- 25: Spynxxx (Oct 4, 2005)
- 26: Blue Bird (Oct 4, 2005)
- 27: Spynxxx (Oct 5, 2005)
- 28: Blue Bird (Oct 6, 2005)
- 29: Spynxxx (Oct 8, 2005)
- 30: Blue Bird (Oct 10, 2005)
- 31: Spynxxx (Oct 12, 2005)
- 32: Blue Bird (Oct 13, 2005)
- 33: Spynxxx (Oct 14, 2005)
- 34: Blue Bird (Oct 15, 2005)
- 35: Spynxxx (Oct 17, 2005)
- 36: Blue Bird (Oct 25, 2005)
- 37: Blue Bird (Oct 30, 2005)
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