This is the Message Centre for Ani K

Welcome to h2g2

Post 1

Eggy - XP doesnt like final fantasy VII

Hello! Glad to see youve joined the wonder that is H2G2. If youve joined but dont quite know what your doing here then you might like to try places such as <./>dontpanic</.>. That's the help center, if it can be done, they'll know how to do it!

If your here to meet new people then you should drop into A703126 - United Friends Of H2G2 space. quite a few people talk there, and often dont talk much sense smiley - biggrin (click on the smilie for a full list of the smilies in use)

If you want to ask anything, dont hesitate to ask here (just click the reply button) or come talk to me at my page (U188330 or click on my name at the top of the post)

Remeber, any questions, dont hesitate to ask, and ill try to get back to you as soon as i can.


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