This is the Message Centre for Ani K

No Subject

Post 1


Anita made it!

should I light the candles now?

No Subject

Post 2

Ani K

oh yes

am i here all alone?

Post 3

Ani K

hello? anybody out there?

am i here all alone?

Post 4

BradSlovan! work!work! thats all I try to avoid

now ewere was I...ah yes....... by the fire with 2 glasses of rhino horn

am i here all alone?

Post 5


Anita if your not bback soon I'm starting without where's that Destiny's Child Video

am i here all alone?

Post 6

Ani K

fancy meeting?

am i here all alone?

Post 7

Ani K

im here! all waiting 4 u

am i here all alone?

Post 8


in person! to one

tete a tete...what would Mr Anita say?

am i here all alone?

Post 9

Ani K

no you daft sod! just worried about this car. he don't normally allow me to drive it. not untill he gets me insured.

am i here all alone?

Post 10


hes a big boy he can handle the truth

am i here all alone?

Post 11

Ani K

brad, be serious with me 4 1 min. is there a chance we may just meet?

am i here all alone?

Post 12


of course ...I promised you didn't I?

I guarantee it... I've saving you for a good weekend

am i here all alone?

Post 13


I need to put some furniture in my house in burnley could come over when its ready

am i here all alone?

Post 14

Ani K

that would be nice. fancy strawbeery cheesecake?

am i here all alone?

Post 15

Ani K

listenin' to marti pellows new album track no 2 reminds me of you for some strange reason.

am i here all alone?

Post 16


hey them...better when eaten off you brown silky body with cream

am i here all alone?

Post 17

Ani K

can any1 else read what we write in this, part from me & u?

am i here all alone?

Post 18


no of course not!

am i here all alone?

Post 19


I think its possible...I think!

am i here all alone?

Post 20

Ani K

what?? don't play games wiv me brad!..can they read what we write or not? dreading tonight as it is.

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