This is the Message Centre for Ani K

am i here all alone?

Post 21


they would need to search out your name and find this thread first...why?

am i here all alone?

Post 22

Ani K

im curious thats all. u'll be gettin' some thing through the post soon.

am i here all alone?

Post 23


I'm haven't made your card yet....taking my time over it

am i here all alone?

Post 24

Ani K

spendin' xmas in lon' wiv mike. meeting his parents after we get back from hoilday.

am i here all alone?

Post 25


your boyfriend isn't a gangster is he?..I like my knees where they are

am i here all alone?

Post 26


meetin the parents eh?...good sign

am i here all alone?

Post 27

Ani K

yep, meeting his parents. certainly nice chattin' to yah. makes up 4 the time we havent chatted

am i here all alone?

Post 28

Ani K

my man is a sweetheart. though i don't think he will be 2night 2wards me.

am i here all alone?

Post 29


memories..seems ages ago

am I your bit on the side then?

always the bridesmaid never the main course!

am i here all alone?

Post 30

Ani K

could be the main course 1 day. anything is possible in this life. let's turn the question around. Am i abit on the side with you?...i don't wish to be any1's bit on the side coz i derserve more. I love Michael. he holds a very special place in my heart.

am i here all alone?

Post 31


sounds too good...maybe we shouldn't meet then

if we met I'd have to insist on getting you under the covers

its in the small print...sorry

am i here all alone?

Post 32

Ani K

thats where i would draw the line! I couldn't do that to him. I've been brought up not dragged up!

am i here all alone?

Post 33

Ani K

after u had me under the covers. u'd move on to some other woman. d**K does the ruling of the brain.

am i here all alone?

Post 34


I hate being a man


am i here all alone?

Post 35

Ani K

lol...why are you blaming god???....

am i here all alone?

Post 36


because she made me this way...... lol

am i here all alone?

Post 37


of course you realise its all your fault Anita for being so damned attractive

am i here all alone?

Post 38

Ani K

like an indian goddess i know! right though. u would move on2 a another woman after gettin me under the covers... not that it would ever happen.

am i here all alone?

Post 39


like I said the greatest pleasure in life is antici....pation

am i here all alone?

Post 40

Ani K

so where u off 2 4 the next 5 weeks?

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