This is the Message Centre for Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

when is a hootooer not an hootooer.(from jimcracker)

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

normally i sit on the fence,
but the age thing as got my goat.
as anyone that knows me, ive been around for over 5 yrs, ive been taken off, forced off, wiped off, and the site that was just my ticket, the ww2 was removed after the anniversary of the war.
i lost loads of friends that left
360 went, and others.
now there are researchers that arnt researchers, that use h2g2 as a steppingstone to the messagedboards, some dont even do the intro,s.
why doesnt the h2g2/bbc, make it that anyone that wants the sso side, must also contribute to h2g2 in some way.
everytime i look on the newbie list the majority is for the pov, archers and so on.
if h2g2 for the researchers, why doent the ones on the site have a say on things, instaed of, we are taking this, you cant have this.
every year a smiley list is asked for, how many get them,
the pics sections, have got to big to bother with. some go on for ever, where is sef the keeper of blobs and things. all gone.
5 yrs and instaed of have new things, we lose something every year smiley - dragon jim

when is a hootooer not an hootooer.(from jimcracker)

Post 2


Hi Jim,
The idea behind SSO was to enable folk to post anywhere on the BBC sites without having to register on each individual section hence you get the 2 differences in the 'who's online' figures. Someone for example could have registered initially on POV but that membership now allows them to post elsewhere including hootoo if they wanted to.
In the early days the problem was the amount of postings to other parts of the site, especially the sports boards, caused major server issues that then obviously affected all parts including hootoo. smiley - erm
There'll be no meeting of minds in terms of what HooToo is for while people still insist on comparing the likes of W*K* to the EG. DNA himself didn't want another 'online encyclopedia', hence the Guide. I still haven't found or been shown another site anywhere on the web where ALL forms of writing are allowed, where the site is run, in the main, by it's members and that have a thriving community to go with it. This latest fallout re. age limits is something that will get resolved but not through ranting and raving. I can't comment on the WWII thing, I thought it was only done to get stories and memories together towards the anniversary (wasn't it the 50th?) at the time though I'll stand being corrected on that. I don't recall it ever being a permanent thing. smiley - erm

smiley - cat

when is a hootooer not an hootooer.(from jimcracker)

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi mk
its not the fact it went down, its all the things that went with it
try puting libraries into the h2g2, and see what you get
then libraries into find a friend, because of the ww2, all the main and some smaller libraries joined the h2g2, the info is still on the library pages, but search wont find them.
many years ago i wrote to the bbc to ask could the fact that all the libraries are on the find a friend section, and have the aces, add this to there message, so newbies can go to find info on their libraries around them. and others, and see the messages if they are still there to the ww2, long gone.
i know at least 50 researchers that came on because of the welth of info on the ww2, and then without warning it was closed to them, they left smiley - dragon jim

when is a hootooer not an hootooer.(from jimcracker)

Post 4


Sorry but you've confused me now. The WWII site wasn't part of HooToo. Never was. So why use a hootoo search to find it or any libraries associated to it? Use the BBC search and you get over 250 hits all related to the topic, all on the BBC. smiley - erm

smiley - cat

when is a hootooer not an hootooer.(from jimcracker)

Post 5

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi st
the threads where to your space, linked to ww2, same as the messageboards are now.
the find a friend (libraries) are the spaces to the libraries that where part of the ww2, but also had info on the libraries as well.
so they have info thats helpfully to students and ww2 or ww1 researchers still
smiley - dragon jim

when is a hootooer not an hootooer.(from jimcracker)

Post 6


This is a quote direct from the first link I gave which states quite clearly the timelines for the WWII site. The archives are all there including all the message boards and other data.

Quote 'The BBC asked the public to contribute their memories of World War Two to a website between June 2003 and January 2006. This archive of 47,000 stories and 15,000 images is the result.' End quote.

Perhaps the 'find a friend' thing was again, only run for the duration the WWII was up and running? smiley - erm
There's still a massive archive for students and other researchers regardless, and that doesn't include EG Articles on the War years in HooToo.

smiley - cat

when is a hootooer not an hootooer.(from jimcracker)

Post 7

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi st
my ww2 entry as gone
the guide A2228113
and post one A2499852
are still there. smiley - dragon jim

when is a hootooer not an hootooer.(from jimcracker)

Post 8

Existential Elevator

Hi Jim,

I agree that the Beeb have made a bit of a hash of things with the SSO. I've been around the site for around about the same time as you have; I left a few years ago because I felt like it was dying. Sorry to hear that they messed up the WWII article smiley - sadface I remember back in the days when that site was going, it looked really interesting.

I think we need to be able to pressure people to make hootoo feel like the close-knit community it once was, but I don't know what needs to be done smiley - sadface I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to try and find other people who feel the same as us, and all sit down and write letters or something.

smiley - rose

when is a hootooer not an hootooer.(from jimcracker)

Post 9

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi and thanks for proving i wasnt just blowing in the wind
we had things like 360 and collective, for the music lovers
then they went and sso came in, now the doors open fron h2g2 to any messageboard.
if you look at my friends list, and any exsisting old messages, the time the sso came in, most of the ones that got moved off, because of not being around, didnt know even that they had to extend the 6 to seven for the password.
so in the end loads didnt have the "i survived the sso" ment nothing, but like myself i had it on the page for the fun of it. smiley - dragon jim

when is a hootooer not an hootooer.(from jimcracker)

Post 10

Reality Manipulator

It is very sad how many of the other sites connected to h2g2 the writing one and others have all dispeared. I particular enjoyed the 360 one and the WW2 I only found it not long before they closed it and I would have liked to contribute to it but I never got the chance. I think there should be a different sign on for the message boards. As for the other sites I wonder if we could get enough people interested could we have them reactivated.

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