This is the Message Centre for Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.
while lurking i found this, it begs a question
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Started conversation Aug 1, 2007
i found this ref to the first 300o researchers,in 1999
the question,who was the very first researcher to signup on the hootoo/h2g2
is he or she in guides,given a mention,this link begins the h2g2 front pages.
h2g2 as come a long way from the humble beginning, but still the question, who was the first,lol jim
while lurking i found this, it begs a question
U620371 Posted Aug 1, 2007
While I was I found out Jim Lyne was number U6 . Also got this> aka slacker
So I typed in number ID U1 found that Slacker must be the first person on hootoo. But then again the very first person to be on here must be Douglas Noal Adams himself!! DNA. If your on cable change the U number too U1 because i'm having difficulties with this box of mine.
while lurking i found this, it begs a question
Ryan the Daemon Prince - Dealing Arms to Svalbard Since 1995 Posted Aug 1, 2007
Ha ha haa! Can you imagine trying to do a 42ism with a researcher number of 1
while lurking i found this, it begs a question
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Aug 1, 2007
i did a brunal check on jim lynn this morning, and had as april 1999, but from the front page archives its from jan 1999.
which is right the archives or the jim lynn u1, jim
while lurking i found this, it begs a question
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Aug 1, 2007
checked out slacker farthest back april 1999. the u1 is 2006 for some reason.
while lurking i found this, it begs a question
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Aug 1, 2007
if anyone is interested in the answer, there is a thread, i sent to jim lynn, he as left a post to explain the way the 1 and 6 came about jim
while lurking i found this, it begs a question
U620371 Posted Aug 2, 2007
If you go onto Jim Lynn's Personal Space U6
Click onto the first blue text eg Pictures Of Emily Are Here.
You'll end up on Photobox, we have that on digibox, but needs to be set up via a PC!
I also tried checking out U0 but that's an unused space, so have you found out who was the very first person to sign up onto hootoo??
while lurking i found this, it begs a question
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Aug 2, 2007
hi all
the first person was jim lynn,
i sent a message to him, to sort the u6 and u1.
slacker had a page u1 but dated 2006, jim lynn as the u6 as its what he wanted, because he was a fan of the prisoner, so no6.
there is also a the slacker april 1999. any thats interested, its a thred on my page i sent to jim lynn.
so from what i understand h2g2 was sort of begun in jan 1999, but didnt get up and running with the first 3000 in april 1999.
- jim
while lurking i found this, it begs a question
Ryan the Daemon Prince - Dealing Arms to Svalbard Since 1995 Posted Aug 2, 2007
Ha ha haa! Imagine trying to make a 42ism out of a U-number of 0! Ha ha haa! They don't seem too interested in this place do they?
while lurking i found this, it begs a question
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Aug 3, 2007
your forgetting they, as you call them, started this place in 1999
jim lynn is still on the top line, slacker as long gone or change to something else. jim
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while lurking i found this, it begs a question
- 1: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Aug 1, 2007)
- 2: U620371 (Aug 1, 2007)
- 3: U620371 (Aug 1, 2007)
- 4: Ryan the Daemon Prince - Dealing Arms to Svalbard Since 1995 (Aug 1, 2007)
- 5: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Aug 1, 2007)
- 6: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Aug 1, 2007)
- 7: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Aug 1, 2007)
- 8: U620371 (Aug 2, 2007)
- 9: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Aug 2, 2007)
- 10: Ryan the Daemon Prince - Dealing Arms to Svalbard Since 1995 (Aug 2, 2007)
- 11: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Aug 3, 2007)
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