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Jabberwock Posted Mar 1, 2009
So THAT'S why they stopped all the traffic
Did you have fun and did you get lost - getting lost in the road system is an integral part of the authentic MK experience. There are plenty of good shops though.
BTW I got you so totally wrong - you seem like a really good bloke (I'm assuming here, please tell me if you're not male), so can we be official Friends? I'm really sorry about all that nonsense you went through, and I would like it very much if we could close that awful chapter finally and completely - achieve full and final closure in the jargon - by becoming Friends ourselves - I think of you as an informal friend already, someone I'm very lucky to know. Shall we? Pleasse? Pretty pleassse?
You'll get any new ideas or chat straightaway then, straight from the horse's mouth.
in the area
Taff Agent of kaos Posted Mar 1, 2009
you are already on my friends list,
yes i am male
and i hear from lil that you are a gent,
i thought you were a youngster a while ago from the type of tunes you were posting
glad to know you(ignore the left hand)
in the area
Jabberwock Posted Mar 1, 2009
Absolutely excellent! I'm so pleased to be your friend, especially after all that misplaced nonsense.
Nice one, Taff!
I'm a bit older than you, actually (I know, I know, and should have known better!)
in the area
Taff Agent of kaos Posted Mar 1, 2009
as to the MK experience we went to costco out at kingston, by the big tesco, we have no problen finding it,
we come in on the buckingham rd. h8 i think and just follow that straight through MK and out the otherside
in the area
Jabberwock Posted Mar 2, 2009
That means you didn't get the authentic MK, I've been using that road for yonks and I still get lost on it
in the area
Taff Agent of kaos Posted Mar 2, 2009
been into the MK triangle before......we got out about 5 hours before we originally went in, still couldn't get us on the phone to stop ourselves
we now use a different form of navigation
battle ships
v6, h3, v8, h7 you sank my battle ship.....and park
in the area
Jabberwock Posted Mar 2, 2009
Actually 'tis said locally (darkly whispered actually) that there are skeletons still stuck on the one-way system. Perhaps that's why the police drive hearses not squad cars.
in the area
Jabberwock Posted Mar 13, 2009
Er - not one-way of course, mainly.
The MK Council was boasting about their 'famous grid system' as part of their response to a grading as one of the 4 worst councils in the country this week.
in the area
Taff Agent of kaos Posted Mar 16, 2009
have you been around tonight????, i haven't seen you so i thought i'd pop along and say hi....
in the area
Jabberwock Posted Mar 17, 2009
Sorry, Taff, I was bein' polite. I wasn't v. well, to tell you the truth. Still v. much appreciate the thought.
in the area
Jabberwock Posted Dec 21, 2009
Hi Taff,
No! Don't! Don't mention Cr....oh, you already have
I'm fine. Hope everything's OK with you,
in the area
Taff Agent of kaos Posted Dec 21, 2009
yep not bad
had a cold couple of weeks back still got the cough but its going
off on tue. for a week so off forday
have you seen the lit. charades game
heres a link
its good fun
in the area
Jabberwock Posted Dec 21, 2009
Will check out the game - promise, although, unusually for this site (I guess) I'm not really into games.But if you recommend it, (and it does sound interesting) - I'll give it a go.
By the way:
"we come in on the buckingham rd. h8 i think and just follow that straight through MK and out the otherside"
This is a common experience with MK. After 2 or 3 passes people usually give up and sod off 'ome, IF they can find the way out, which is a shame because, apart from no specialist academic and/or secondhand bookshops, and no good classical CD shops - albeit there's a good shop for instruments (Chappell's, no less) it's a fine shopping centre for most things, with a pre-West End very active theatre there too.
why is Lil running around lying about my age?
in the area
Jabberwock Posted Dec 21, 2009
Guess she's stopped now, Bu when is a lie a lie? We'll spend two terms on that next year, and is a lie a self-contradiction? - Lying 101.
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- 1: Taff Agent of kaos (Mar 1, 2009)
- 2: Jabberwock (Mar 1, 2009)
- 3: Taff Agent of kaos (Mar 1, 2009)
- 4: Jabberwock (Mar 1, 2009)
- 5: Taff Agent of kaos (Mar 1, 2009)
- 6: Jabberwock (Mar 2, 2009)
- 7: Taff Agent of kaos (Mar 2, 2009)
- 8: Jabberwock (Mar 2, 2009)
- 9: Jabberwock (Mar 2, 2009)
- 10: Jabberwock (Mar 13, 2009)
- 11: Taff Agent of kaos (Mar 16, 2009)
- 12: Jabberwock (Mar 16, 2009)
- 13: Jabberwock (Mar 17, 2009)
- 14: Taff Agent of kaos (Mar 17, 2009)
- 15: Taff Agent of kaos (Dec 21, 2009)
- 16: Jabberwock (Dec 21, 2009)
- 17: Taff Agent of kaos (Dec 21, 2009)
- 18: Jabberwock (Dec 21, 2009)
- 19: Taff Agent of kaos (Dec 21, 2009)
- 20: Jabberwock (Dec 21, 2009)
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