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Hello Jab
Jabberwock Posted Nov 16, 2006
Well you should have one advantage, Carino. People have great respect for the Salvation Army and the work they do, especially at Christmas, so you should be OK for the time being.
I didn't realise you were the manager, btw.
Some people were complaining that smileys look silly and get in the way of using words. (Not me!!!)
Hello Jab
CARINO Posted Nov 17, 2006
We don't fit in,we simply don't fit in,Yes,the Salvation Army have their followers,but their only few very few...
And some people complain about smiley's
Hello Jab
Jabberwock Posted Nov 18, 2006
Well I at least have the gretest respect for what they do for the homeless, especially at Christmas. They don't just preach brotherly love, they get out and do it.
They're actually well respected in society for what they do. Are you a member?
Hello Jab
CARINO Posted Nov 19, 2006
I aggree,i have the greatest respect for what they do,they have been going since 1845,(i think).They showed us a video at the meeting and the tireless work they do,brought a tear to my eye.I'm not a salvationist,nor a member,but i try my best,to put money in the till.I did write a bit about the shop i run,in my journal,but it has been removed?? It basically said,that the shop had closed,for 18 months,due to bad management,it re-opened in April this year and they took out a 1 year lease,just to see how it progressed and it HAS been making a profit,so a 10 year lease has been added
Hello Jab
Jabberwock Posted Nov 20, 2006
Hiya Carino,
If anything has been removed by the management, you should get an e-mail about it from thrm. Just possibly, perhaps it was removed because you discussed 'bad management', which might constitute libel? I'm only guessing. The BBC is terrified of being sued, because they have so much money each year, and yet budgets are so tight.
I don't always give to charity, but the Salvation Army's always been an exception.
It must be down to good management (you) that the shop's now in profit - and for such a good cause
Anyway, I do hope you're well. Villa are rather outperforming West Ham at the moment! The second season in the Premiership is often the hardest, as other teams work you out and players lose the initial excitement that can make them play so well. But there are other factors too going on at Upton Park, as I'm sure you know.
Hello Jab
CARINO Posted Nov 22, 2006
Well,i have not had an email to say otherwise,so i'm baffled
i'm just glad that our charity has made a front page news by b'elana,although,gambling was not mentioned.
I'm jab hope your well
Yes,Villa are doing ok,we need wins,not draws in order to move up a bit.As for your team,are you reffering to the take-over,by the Icelandic biscuit man?..well £107 million is that a bad thing
? and Pardew keeps his job
Hello Jab
Jabberwock Posted Nov 22, 2006
Hi carino,
Yes I'm well these days, thankyou
We were very very worried about the takeover down here at the Hammers. Rumour had it that those who took over (another, Russian consortium was expected actually) were going to sack Pardew and hire Sven. I think I would have left the club if that had happened. Pardew is a good manager and a favourite of the fans (now), and if Eriksson had taken over thoudands would have left, including me. He's just a waenkr - a £40 million mistake as one reporter aked the F.A. at a conference, the useless .....s, and he's so uncommitted escept to himself and so basically hopeless. I thought he was a joke from Day 1, and not because he's foreign. I have an opon mind on that. There are plenty of foreign managers with passion (not including Wenger's sort of passion for whingeing).
Having thought some more - can it be libel if you didn't name names? You really should have received an e-mail from them.
Hope you're well and gearing up for Christmas in the shop and elsewhere. Nice to hear from you,
Hello Jab
CARINO Posted Nov 22, 2006
We had the same worries about Sven,remember? However as for your manager it is sometimes better the devil you know and think it was a wise move to keep Pardew,i hope you do well,but not against us
I mentioned the SA that was it?
Shop is doing really well,but i fear tomorrow (thursday) Peacocks bright and shiny new superstore,will affect us,i really do
Hello Jab
Jabberwock Posted Nov 28, 2006
Good. Long may it continue, carino. It would be such a shame to take trade away from a good cause such as yours.
Hello Jab
Jabberwock Posted Nov 30, 2006
Can't beat regulars, if you have enough of them.
We've just tentatively started to win again, at West Ham. Come on Villa, (while)the Hammers can (still)show you how it's can still go for Europe, especially with Martin's own new signings.
I'd like them both to be winning, Carino.
Hello Jab
CARINO Posted Dec 4, 2006
My problem is,i'm just getting the charity shop gist,(never done charity work)i'm used to working in a retail envoiroment and think of the opposition as a threat,but like you said,people support and buy from us because we are cheap and sell good merchandise and we spend time chatting to our customers,we are not like a normal retail shop and this is were i keep getting these negative thoughts,only to realise,there is a lot of caring people out there.
As for the Villa,they need to pull their socks up,they were very lucky to draw AGAIN on saturday,is it January the transfer closes? I hope you kick some more ass,you deserve it but don't expect any sympathy from me,when we kick yours
Hello Jab
Jabberwock Posted Dec 5, 2006
Ah! that's why you've done so well with the shop carino! You can't beat experience.
We were shocking yesterday - I watched it on Sky. And the fans are beginning to turn on Pardew on our online site. (Like for always picking Bowyer to miss goals for us). There were shots of Eggy (the egghead Icelandic owner) and he looked mightily displeased.
If the Villains get us soon (haven't checked), it's a cinch. unfortunately for us. We can always pick up, and there's the transfer window coming, although our new owner isn't one of the super-rich.
Liverpool and Dubai
Hello Jab
CARINO Posted Dec 10, 2006
Without sounding big headed,after being in this game,for a long time you get to know how to work the customers,some want it cheaper,some want to spend hours talking about their medical problems,if it makes a sale,i'm happy
As,for the Villa the way were playing,a draw would be a cert,i bet the bookies are loosing out big time.
I never saw the Hammers game,so can't comment,but i can imagine the frustration,look at Angel,he lost it for awhile and now he's on top form again,they all get bad games,they just need to create chances and there back on form'll see
Hello Jab
CARINO Posted Dec 12, 2006
to hear about your man Jab,all credit to the guy,but that's football and money is the main objective in this game,as well you know ..who is going to takeover,do you know? i read rumours,but i believe them when i see the press conference,i hope it works out for you jab,look at us,O'Dreary was a waster and under him,YOU kicked our ass,remember? fingers crossed for you anyway
Hello Jab
Jabberwock Posted Dec 13, 2006
Thanks carino. Favourite is Alan Curbishley, previously of Charlton, who played for West Ham. We traditionally choose 'West Ham' people. Alan Pardew was an exception. Most people liked Pardew in the end but most people thought he had to go. So he went. He just stood there looking clueless this year.
Just seen that it will be Curbishley. Good choice - he picked up Charlton from the old Division 2 when they were in deep trouble and didn't even have a ground - they had to play at Crystal Palace - and made them into a sound, steady Premiership team and stayed for, I think, 15 years or something, operating with no money and staying loyal and relatively successful all that time.
Watch out Villa!
Hello Jab
CARINO Posted Dec 20, 2006
I haven't read much press on the new signing jab,but i hope you do well.
have a great christmas and an even better new year
take care.
ps just incase i'm not around to tell you
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Hello Jab
- 41: Jabberwock (Nov 16, 2006)
- 42: CARINO (Nov 17, 2006)
- 43: Jabberwock (Nov 18, 2006)
- 44: CARINO (Nov 19, 2006)
- 45: Jabberwock (Nov 20, 2006)
- 46: CARINO (Nov 22, 2006)
- 47: Jabberwock (Nov 22, 2006)
- 48: CARINO (Nov 22, 2006)
- 49: Jabberwock (Nov 23, 2006)
- 50: CARINO (Nov 27, 2006)
- 51: Jabberwock (Nov 28, 2006)
- 52: CARINO (Nov 29, 2006)
- 53: Jabberwock (Nov 30, 2006)
- 54: CARINO (Dec 4, 2006)
- 55: Jabberwock (Dec 5, 2006)
- 56: CARINO (Dec 10, 2006)
- 57: Jabberwock (Dec 11, 2006)
- 58: CARINO (Dec 12, 2006)
- 59: Jabberwock (Dec 13, 2006)
- 60: CARINO (Dec 20, 2006)
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