This is the Message Centre for Jabberwock

Hello Jab

Post 21


Well i'm glad you felt you could confide in me,i didn't know you were a teacher either.Blimey you must have been very poorly,to quit your job,i hope you recover very soon smiley - hug

We Villa fans are everywhere smiley - laugh i'm surprised you prefer football to rugby and in such a small place too.

Yeah them smiley - bleepin Liverpudlians kicked our ass,last saturday smiley - cry
We have Blackburn on sunday,funny i mentioned in my previous post,that we beat them 1-0,i hope we repeat it.
Have you got Chelsea? I don't like them either,hope you kick ass.
Keep smiley - smiley Jab smiley - ok
speak soon smiley - hug
smiley - peacedove

Hello Jab

Post 22



I wasn't a school teacher, I was working as a part-time university lecturer, Carino. Sorry for the confusion, but in the trade, informally, we refer to ourselves as teachers, not lecturers. I worked in philosophy and social science, and I was part-time already because of my health.

We've got Arsenal at home tomorrow, which might be difficult as the clubs who do well against Arsenal tend to be the big, physical teams like Bolton, and we've never been like that. You never know, of course.

Speak soon,

Regards smiley - hug

Jab smiley - smiley

Hello Jab

Post 23


Hmmm,my sister was seeing a lecturer and she always referred to him as such.

I'm a tad annoyed with you jab,because you seem well enough to post here on a regular basis,so there is nothing wrong with you physically is there eh?
If it's a mental thing,i know AND you know it takes a long time to get it together,i may have got it wrong,if i have,then i'm sooooooooo sorry smiley - hug
Can i just tell you about my brother,he has ankylosis spondiltus (check spelling) he has a BA studied at home,from the OU and does nothing about it,he is sooooo clever always has been,long before the degree,BUT he won't go out...why? because he hates the way he looks,he was a darling in his youth,jet black hair,blue eyes,he had his pick of girlfriends,in less than 10 years,he is became a hunched up old man,with grey hair,THAT came overnight.
We feel for him,but he is so bitter and twisted,he has switched off.

Hello Jab

Post 24


I don't really understand why starting tentatively to post to more than the 2 or 3 games I was managing to keep in irregular touch with, (conversations were a bit more difficult), or why I have been ill/ mentally or physically or whatever, should annoy you, nor why I should be suspected of not knowing how lecturers commonly refer to each other amongst themselves, (as if that matters other than in the context of my explaining why I gave you the wrong impression out of habit).

I don't really see why you should be so upset at all.

I'm sorry that your brother is having such a difficult life and that he seems so unhappy. It must be very stressful for you too.


Hello Jab

Post 25


And your reasoning that I cannot be ill or have been ill necause I've begun over the last couple of weeks to post more frequently again (as, for example on here), is a little hard to follow. To be honest I feel that I'm making it back to my previous level of posting (more or less), only to be slapped back, rather than supported, for doing so.

Hello Jab

Post 26


Hey,don't take my reply as critcism,it was never meant to be and if i have upset you then i'm deeply sorry,please don't feel knocked back,i really enjoy having a banter about smiley - football with you,can i be forgiven?

Well done too the Hammers anyway,shame Arsy Arsene never saw it like that,bad sportmanship,wouldn't you say?

Thanks for the kind words about my brother,he is a lost cause,believe me smiley - sadface

smiley - peacesign

Hello Jab

Post 27


Hi Carino,

Thanks for your latest message, which was a great help. I'm still very puzzled about it all, but as it's between friends, let's regard it as bygones bein' bygones, water under the bridge, etc, and say no more about it.smiley - ok

About your brother: I used to do some tutoring (another word) for the Open University and I was amazed at the sheer quality of the students, who were much more committed and in many cases brighter than conventional students, who are often too young to be similarly motivated. I have nothing but the utmost respect for anyone bright enough and determined enough to work their way right through to an OU qualification. It's certainly doing it the hard way, and it takes a special kind of person to be able to do it.

Yes, Wenger made a right arsenal of himself on Sunday. If you have broadband, (maybe dialup would work), you can see lots of videos of the incident on, mainly about the fact that Arsenal can't stand losing. There were fights going on on the pitch too, Arsenal being the attackers. It was similar last year when we beat them.

It's a pity they've both been charged by the F.A., because none of the commentators nor I can see that Pards did anything wrong. Maybe we'll find out the truth from the F.A. enquiry, but probably we won't.

I've just discovered your CARINO identity, and only just signed up for it. So please don't think I've been ignoring your Journal entries, I didn't receive them. I was still locked into your old carino identity. Should be all right from now.

smiley - hug

Jab smiley - smiley

Hello Jab

Post 28


smiley - oksmiley - biggrin

My brother and the rest of my siblings all had the same education,but he was always the brightest one,we could always rely on him whenever we were stuck on any kind of subject.The OU is an excellent place to study and at your own pace.My brother studied Social Science,Maths and English,for 6 years,we went along with him to collect his degree at Cambridge,we was very proud of him smiley - biggrin.I done Health and Social care,but struggled at level 3,so i gave up.smiley - sadface

I think the f word has gone out of football these days,f meaning fun and fair play,it is bad enough when the fans and the players fight,but it goes beyond that when the managers are no better,it's shameful,they have been in the game a long time,they should grow up..after all it is sport smiley - doh

I had to re-register as my other account would not let me post more than 500 words,including smilies and spaces,i'm using a digital box and not a computer,but i shall be getting one in a month or so.
Nothing much on my journal to read really jab,had another problem at work,but it's sorted now.
smiley - hug

Hello Jab

Post 29


Hi, that's a coincidence. I taught D102 and then D103 and then DD100 - foundation oourses in the social sciences, and, I'm not sure of the number, K257 (?), a second-level social care course. One thing about the OU, Carino, is that you can return to study any time, there's no time limit. I had a student who' spent 10 years in between opne course and another. Feel like trying it? smiley - winkeye

If you want to know about anything, ask a philosopher! smiley - biggrin

Jab smiley - smiley

Hello Jab

Post 30


How strange,i suppose it's what grabs your interests doesn't it?I went to visit my brother in the summer(i don't see him that often) and he was sitting in the garden reading the history of Australia!I asked him why he was reading about it,he replied "why not" smiley - laugh my other brother is a bit obnoxious and counsels young drug offenders in Ireland and he couldn't see the point in my brother reading about Australia,but i did argue with him and said,there is nothing wrong in educating yourself on other peoples culture and history,why stick to what you know?

K100 is the level i was at in Social Studies,it was hard to get into jab,you had to write huge essays,about their theories and your conclusions,i enjoyed reading about the nuclear families and the carers who care in the family and more often than not,they had a disability,that part was interesting.I also done a Counselling course in 97' now that i did get into,but i had to be working in a caring proffesion in order for me to do the next level and the company had to fund the course.

I shall be calling on your knowledge,can i call you PHIL,for short smiley - ok? smiley - laugh

smiley - peacedove

Hello Jab

Post 31


Sure - as Mae West said 'don't care whatcha call me, as long as ya call me'! smiley - biggrin

Yes, only trouble with the OU is that if the essays don't get you, the exams will, assuming there are exams (not on every course).

Jab/Phil smiley - biggrinsmiley - smiley

Hello Jab

Post 32


smiley - ok so now you are knocking the OU? smiley - erm i don't understand? You praised the OU in your earlier post smiley - doh

Hello Jab

Post 33


Carino - smiley - dontpanic

I would bever knock the OU. It's a superb organisation. Especially the students, as I said in respect of your brother. I've nothing but admiration for OU students.

(a) I said the ONLY trouble was...
(b) I was joking anyway.

I was sympathising with your trouble with K100, when you said how dfficult the essays were (see Post 30).

smiley - hug

Jab smiley - smiley

Hello Jab

Post 34


smiley - footinmouth once again smiley - biggrin
It was difficult and i think you really have got to be interested in that particular field,i obviously wasn't,but i do enjoy what i'm doing now,and my counselling and OU course has helped me to have a very different outlook,i am a manager for the Salvation Army retail store and it was closed for about 18 months,due to bad turnover,i have been there since april,they have now informed me,that the lease has been extended for 10 years smiley - discosmiley - biggrinsmiley - disco

smiley - peacedove

Hello Jab

Post 35


Excellent! smiley - oksmiley - oksmiley - ok

I meant to say earlier that I had great respect for all OU students, not just the graduates - it's a very hard thing to get into and you have to be brave and determined even to try it - and you're showing how even part of a course can help you really learn things.

Well done Carino,

Jab smiley - smiley

Hello Jab

Post 36


Absolutely jab smiley - cheers i was ignorant to a lot of things in life and maybe i still am,but i don't mean harm to anyone and one of the reasons why i done these courses was to help myself,i have been through some tough times,from childhood through to adult life and i struggle,but i'm getting there smiley - smiley thanks for being my virtual friend,,trust me it helps smiley - hug

smiley - peacedove


Hello Jab

Post 37


s'OK Carino. In my book a friend's a friend, and that's what friends are for.

Jab smiley - smiley

Hello Jab

Post 38


smiley - hug glad they have these smiley's,sometimes they speak louder than words smiley - biggrin hope your smiley - ok

smiley - peacedove

Hello Jab

Post 39


Fine thanks, Carino. Hope you're OK. smiley - ok

Yes, I like the smileys too, although some people have been complaining about them. I think they help a communication come to life in a warm and friendly way. And yes, they can express even more than words. smiley - smiley

Are you getting ready for the busy Christmas season smiley - holly - or has it already started in your shop?

Regards smiley - rose

Jab smiley - hug

Hello Jab

Post 40


smiley - oksmiley - ta
I to think the "Smiley"'s say so much more than words smiley - smiley what can people find to complain about smiley - erm?

YES,we are ready for the festive season and have been doing very well,but we have just found out that Peacocks,similar to Primark,are about to open a store,on a huge part of the shopping center,which will destroy us and the smaller outlets...why? they should not be allowed on small centres,these big superstores should be restricted to larger outlets,they are like sharks eating the little fish,it is not fair and should not be allowed smiley - wah
I will be struggling now smiley - cry

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