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Windows 7

Post 1


So we now have Windows 7 being launched yesterday, surprised no one mentioned it really. It wont be long before they stop supporting Windows XP. Which is a pity, as since my old desk top has only got 1Gb of RAM, XP runs perfectly well on it.

As for my lap top, well it has Vista and it took me while to get used to that, so why do they keep bringing out with these new operating systems, it wouldn't have anything to do with making money would it?smiley - winkeye

No, I didn't think so, its MS making sure that we all have the latest technologysmiley - laugh
I suppose it will come with all the usual promises of running faster, never crashing and making sure that our on line time will be more pleasurablesmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Windows 7

Post 2

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi smudger
i wouldnt worry about not supporting p, the vista and millenium2000 are still used by some people.
i saw the advert tonight myself for the first time. on windows 7
not having a pc, and the cyber only uses the xp, it wont bother me one way or the other, the cyber owner doesnt even format his new pc,s with the vista, unless the client asks. smiley - dragon jim

Windows 7

Post 3


Hi Jim, when I bought this lap top it came with Vista already installed, and to tell the truth there wasn't all that much difference between that and the XP on the desk top?

Only difference I noticed was that with Vista I cant Autofill my details when opening MSN like it would n Vista?
smiley - cheersSmudger

Windows 7

Post 4

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi smudger
its the reason the cyber boss doesnt recomend vista.
it takes ages to format, the xp and home, i can format to the desktop, before putting intenet on, is about 40 mins.
i can refomat in an hour, with sound back, antiviruses, awadares, with the xp.
apart from the two screen on the advert, i have no idae what windows 7 as.
i dont need the split windows, i just set the email and say, h2g2, on two sites, and keep them on the bottom browser.smiley - dragon jim

Windows 7

Post 5


they actually have used the same base since windows came out so all they do is change little peices each time witch is why it tends to either just get buggy or more complicated each time...

Windows 7

Post 6


Yea! that along with the fact that they will get loads more money from the sales of it!
We are actually forced to accept these new versions, as every time they take out a new one, they stop supporting one of the older versions, probably ME, or 2000?
I hope they keep supporting XP, as that's what I have on my desk top,and I don't have enough memory to put Vita onto itsmiley - erm

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Windows 7

Post 7


yah ... xp comes with the scool computers and I like it smiley - erm

Windows 7

Post 8

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Vista is plain carp - keep your XP as long as it works OK. 7 is alleged to be quite nice (works with less pooter power than Vista), but there is one problem:
smiley - grr The Microsods don´t have customers - they have paying beta testers. New versions usually have bugs by the bushel and they only get ironed out after enough customers have needed valium.
Wait for one year or so instead of spending €100 on something that isn´t yet working.

(The first free beta version of 7 scrapped all mp3 files on the pooters it was installed on - but what the eff, mp3 is smiley - bleep anyway.)

Windows 7

Post 9


I have had no problems with Vista ever since it came with this lap top, there was just a couple of differences that I noticed, in the control panel for example, its not called Add/Remove programs any more.

I have managed to transfer stuff between the XP desk top and Vista lap-top without any problems.smiley - cool

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Windows 7

Post 10

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Smudger, it´s like CSN&Y once sang: "Love the one you´re with". As long as a pooter does what you bought it for - why spend shillingi mingi on something new and shiny? I have a numbercruncher down in my DIY basement that does a fine job as measuring tool and it runs on (don´t laugh) Windaft98.smiley - ok

Windows 7

Post 11


Aye! It will be a sad day when they stop updating XP, its been the best of the lot so farsmiley - winkeye

Its like mobile phones, some folk change theirs every year! I have kept my one for ages, it still does the job its supposed to and doesn't have all the bells and whistles, yet it still works in places where other folk cant get receptionsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Windows 7

Post 12


mmm...I don't see what's so smiley - bleep bout mp3s I use them all the time maybe you just don't like music? anyways I say that unless nessasary don't sped money on changing your operating system anyways lol PCs should be switched every several years anyways so it gets updated with the new computer smiley - biggrin

Windows 7

Post 13


Hi Silron, I never said anything about not liking Mp3 players, we have one each, and Mk2 has an Ipod as wellsmiley - cool

What I said was, I was keeping my old mobile phone, even though it doesn't have an Mp3 or anything like that on it, but it still works well as a phonesmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Windows 7

Post 14


I was commenting on Pit's comment smiley - laugh although IPods actually use a file called an ITune I think so by the time it's on your IPod it's no longer an MP3 smiley - winkeye

Windows 7

Post 15

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

>I think so by the time it's on your IPod it's no longer an MP3<

Correct - it´s technically the same but trendier and more expensive.
Compared to the real thing (I won´t even mention the round black things called records, CDs with good recordings do for starters)via a real HiFi system, mp3 format is like taking a shower with an expensive raincoat on.

I know you´re into headphones...if you don´t mind being thrown out of your living quarters, do as follows.

Borrow a pair of REAL mickeymice - the bigger the better, and electrostats like Stax or so are the real thing. Plug them into a good HiFi set.Put something with acoustic (non electronic)instruments on.

smiley - evilgrinAnd now for what will get you an appartment with padded walls - leave the subwoofer of the HiFi on, running at full blast. The nice gentlemen wearing white coats will need some time to get through a bolted door, so enjoy as long as you can.

smiley - stiffdrink Pit

Windows 7

Post 16


I can't stand music that loud smiley - erm so I'll stick to my usual min vol. high sound blocking headphones smiley - winkeye

Windows 7

Post 17

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

min vol with headphones - smiley - oksmiley - oksmiley - ok! You´re one youngster who won´t be deaf as a lamppost by 30 one hopes. There are others.

Windows 7

Post 18


Right then, here is the question.....will my desk top computer which has 1Gb of memory on it, and 250Gb hard drive, be able to run Windows 7.

smiley - cheersSmudger

Windows 7

Post 19

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Ought to.smiley - ok If and when you need it to.

Windows 7

Post 20


Cheers for that, I need to do it soon as my copy of XP was playing up, when I went to find out why, it turned out to be a dodgy copysmiley - erm

I can go ahead now and install itsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

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