This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n

Smudger the Geezers thread

Post 1


Smudger the Geezers thread

Post 2


Sorry mate this cut and paste link fails don't know why Post/86 lils I am thread works

Smudger the Geezers thread

Post 3


This could be the continuation of my old Grumpy Old Men thread?smiley - cool

We always had good laugh in theresmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Smudger the Geezers thread

Post 4


Yes but people like a new toy smiley - winkeye

Smudger the Geezers thread

Post 5


The idea I had was get geezers to contribute to this entry A12847584
hoping it might cause some debate.smiley - smiley

Smudger the Geezers thread

Post 6


I was glad to see that you had Tiger larger on your list, that was our only delight, and life saviour, when we were in the Gulf, when I was in the R.N smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Smudger the Geezers thread

Post 7


Well, my Grumpy Old Man, thing kicked in yesterday, as I challenged my car insurance company for the cost of my renewal.

They had increased my payments by £6.70 a month, quote cost......., £385.

I went on line, and found out that I could renew, with the same company for £19.20 a month, as a new customer?

Cost of policy £190, so it does pay to shop round, my grumpy old man tip for the daysmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

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