This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n


Post 1


I am so sorry to hear about your significant other´s illness. I know what it is to be away from the most important person in your life. You almost have a feeling of an amputee missing a limb. But I also have noticed that many times I failed through taking that precius gift for granted and not letting the other person know how much I cherished their company. Don´t ever withhold this in the future.

I am praying for you and her.


Post 2


Thanks for your post, I appreciate that. You are right of course about letting your nearest and dearest how you feel.
Must admit, I was never like that until I met Mk2, as she is totally different, coming from a large family of 17,so now I tell her every day.
Thanks againsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 3


Nothing I can do. Nothing I can say.

I'm so sorry for what's happening to and around you right now.

Thinking of you

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly


Post 4


Many thanks for that, its true that we have both been through the mill together, as we got together when I was 40, and that's a bad age to try and start all over again!smiley - sadface

Especially as I had just been laid off work and divorced, which left me bankrupted, then just as we were starting to get back on our feet, Mk2 was diagnosed with emphysema, and given two years to live, but she has defied that bu still being here now! thanks againsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 5


I hope that she comes home soon, and feels better! Please let us know when she does.smiley - smiley


Post 6


Hi Elektra Gheorgheni, My wife has been home for a while now, although her condition is worse now than it was before she went in?

This last time she was in for a bad chest infection, and that was just a week after she came out of hospital, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, which happened because they lost control of her blood thickness, which required monitoring after she had 3 (DVTs) blood clots?

So all in all she is having a bad time of it, mind you, she is still here after being told back in 2002 that she had 2 years to live after being diagnosed with emphysema!

I myself am not so mobile, after a work injury damaged my back some 8 years ago now. Now I cant do a lot of things that I used to be able to dosmiley - erm

smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 7


Bummer that they lost track of her blood thickness! Just enjoy each others company and the little joys that abound in puttering. Have a great day to the both of you!smiley - smiley


Post 8


Aye! that is exactly what we are doing, thanks again.smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 9


PS I hope you guys aren´t too near a river - lots of flooding in UK. The army in <ireland had to rescue an 87-year old granny!


Post 10


Luckily the flooding has only effected one end of our village, but we can get out by another road at the other end.smiley - ok

We used to have worse floods when we lived up the North of Scotland.

smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 11


smiley - cheers Well have a great day you all! I have been living in North Carolina too long. Keep dry then.

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