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Hope it went well

Post 1


Hi Smudger,

Just a quick note to say I hope your session went well and that it has helped a bit.

Websailor smiley - dragon

Hope it went well

Post 2


Thanks for that WS, yes it did go OK, even though I was really nervous about going, as it had been 8 weeks since I had been there?

Thing is though, they never explain why all this happens to me, she just listens really, and keeps asking me to talk about my nightmares! I would rather forget them.
I have to go back nest week, so I hope to get answers to my questions thensmiley - cool
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Hope it went well

Post 3


I expect the nerves will get a bit better once you are in the swing of things again. I suppose they have their methods, asking about the nightmares, but perhaps talking about them more would get them out in the open instead of in your head?

I suspect your nightmares are about real happenings, not garbled fictional stuff like some people suffer? The irrational ones must be harder to do anything about than real flashback types, but only having had an occasional nightmare since childhood, what would I knowsmiley - huh I still remember some childhood ones, and one adult one will stay with me forever, but at least it is not repeated.

Take care and smiley - goodluck

Websailor smiley - dragon

Hope it went well

Post 4


Yea! the nightmares are all about RL things that happened back in the past. I will try and find out more about the reason I keep having them, next week, I hopesmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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