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Your Poetry

Post 1


Hello Smudger,
I have been reading all your poetry again, and have to thank you for that priviledge. They touch my heart, and strike a chord within me. All of them are beautiful, but I think "Thoughts" is the one that really spoke to me. Do you still write poetry?

Take care now smiley - smiley


Your Poetry

Post 2


Hi korculablue, Thanks for that, I'm glad you enjoyed themsmiley - ok No I haven't wrote any more for years now probably because I have not gone through any thing like that since. Well, I have really, been divorced and re-married, lost my kids and was left skint at the age of 40smiley - erm

To tell the truth, since my accident and our move down here, I seem to have lost the urge to write them smiley - erm So I just write my Snippets instead these days, and there a heap of them on my pagesmiley - winkeye

Thanks again for your post, you have cheered me up todaysmiley - ok
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Your Poetry

Post 3


If I've cheered you up Smudger, that's great! We all need a bit of that.
I understand where you are coming from, and to write poetry from the soul you have to be in the appropriate mood I guess. It can't be forced if it is to be real.

I started writing poetry when my husband of 43 years died in 2003.A lot of it was quite dark at first. I just wrote what I felt. Then as time passed I found myself writing of our love.

One day perhaps the urge will return and the words will come flooding in once more. Tomorrow I will return to continue reading your snippets. I love your sense of humour smiley - smiley We all need to laugh too smiley - biggrin

Be happy


Your Poetry

Post 4


Hi again, yes I find that the words came come rushing into my mind, and I had to write it down there and then, as they came mostly at night when I was trying to sleep. Keep writing your poetry, as the ones written from the heart are the best onessmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Your Poetry

Post 5


Hi korculablue, I was just going through my page there and looking at some old posts, and found this one. Did you ever write any more poems? reason I ask is, Mk2s first husband died recently, and I was helping her kids (well adults now) through their pain, and suggested to his daughter that she just sit down and write down all her feelings, as she was taking the loss really bad, despite the fact that they all knew he was terminal, and had been for the past few months.

She got back in touch with me, and said just how good it made her feel, just writing everything down like that, and thanked me, don't know why, I said. Anyway, she wrote a poem called My Dad, it was very moving, and even she said that she never knew that she had that skill within her, so I suppose grief brings out some good in us all. So I could see exactly what you meant in your post.
Cheers, Smudger.

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