This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n

Hi Smudger,

Post 1

I am Donald Sutherland

Read you bit about the incident with the marine Sergeant. Got involved in a similar incident some time ago but he was an American. It was on a night exercise and he had me round the legs calling for his mates. I tried grabbing his hair, but there wasn't any. So I hit him with the but of my rifle. He let go. Didn't get to meet him again but I did see a man walking round with his head in a bandage a few days later. I didn't introduce myself.

I once spent five days on board one of HM Frigates - HMS Aurora. Wangled a trip back to Plymouth from Gibraltar. On the third day I had to go and hide on the focsle. People kept putting cans a beer in my hand and I was walking around in a pennant state of intoxication. They were coming out from everywhere. Its amazing haw many places there are you can hide a can of beer in a space 10 ft x 14 ft.

We stopped of along the way to do an anti-submerine exercise with HMS Ocelot, HMS Torqay and HMS Ajax. Part of the exercise involved replenishment at sea including transferring by breaches buoy. Guess who they used as a dummy!


Hi Smudger,

Post 2


Hi Donald, Thanks for your post, and yes it is amazing just where you can a crate of beer, we even had it stuffed inside the Air-Vents in the boiler roomsmiley - ok

Until we did quick turn into the weather which shook the whole ship, and sent my beer flying out of the ventssmiley - laugh

Sounds like you had an iteresting trip you had when you wangled your way on boardsmiley - cool

That marine wont forget me in a hurry, and I certainly will not forget himsmiley - ok
BTW, Plenty more stories on my "page" in the drop down menuesmiley - oksmiley - cool
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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