This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n

Darling Smudgie

Post 1

moved to new address

Me and Belly Dancing Goldfish are stuck and wondered if you would help us.

How do we group friends?

How do I even get any text on my page? OK Say I wanted to say "Hello Everyone" on Corrie's page. What do I actually put on the page? Would ya help, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese?????

Love you forever
Corrie smiley - earth

Darling Smudgie

Post 2


Hi Corriesmiley - biggrin, Right then, if you want to add a person to your "friends list" Just click on their name, that will take you to their Home pagesmiley - ok
There you see a prompt saying "add to friends"smiley - ok

If you want to start a thread, scroll down your page, until you see "add a diary entry" or click onto, "Add an Guide Entry" either one of these will get your thread started.

If you find this confusing (coz its hard to write and explain) What I did was, click onto the "Help" page, the I printed all the directions out, and used them get started!

OK I hope this helps, coz even Im confused nowsmiley - laughsmiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Darling Smudgie

Post 3

moved to new address

Thank you sever so!

Corrie smiley - biggrin

Darling Smudgie

Post 4

moved to new address

How are you, Smudger?smiley - smiley

Enjoyed your 'Smudger Snippets'

The huge alternating smileys on your PS are fun!

At least I've managed to get stuff on my PS now. The learning curve is huge in terms of page building and posting to MB, but it's fun, mostly!

Darling Smudgie

Post 5


Hi MSsmiley - biggrin, Im gald you liked the Snippets, in fact I should be writing some nowsmiley - erm

I know what you mean about your Page, it took me ages to do mine, also a lot of help. BTW you can get that alt. Smiley from the piccy page here on H2.

Its good to see that you have settled in with us all, I hope you stay with ussmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Darling Smudgie

Post 6

Researcher U634370

Thanks Smudgie smiley - cheers your lovely that's what I figured about journals, friends and threads etc.

Enjoy your weekend.

BD smiley - fish

Darling Smudgie

Post 7


No probs BDG, you will find a lot of interesting stuff on this site, the more you brouse it, the more interesting it getssmiley - ok

I have met a lot of really nice folk on here, but thats what its all about, you could spend a whole day on this site and still not cover it allsmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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