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Post 1

Red Kite

Hi Smudger
Just read your article about finding your mate, what a story. I am so pleased for you, it must have been great to find out that he was OK. Like you I have only been 'internetted' and computerised for a couple of years thinking I was too old to learn. Now I'm never off the thing! And to think the only reason I bought one and taught myself was to do the shopping online when I eventually can afford to retire! The joke is I don't use it for the shopping and I'm not sure I will! It does make communication so easy though and you can talk to people anywhere, old friends and new. Keep smiling.smiley - smiley
Red Kite

Friends - old and new

Post 2


Hi Red Kite, smiley - ta for your post, Yep! it was a surprise to find him, well he found me reallysmiley - laugh. Like yourself I never thought I would leard this PC stuff, but being stuck inside most days, I found it a great way of communicating with the outside world, and your right your never too old to learn.
I also enjoy writing the articles for smiley - thepost and reading the others, Ive still got a lot to learn about the Net, as I always seem to end up just using the two same sites all the timesmiley - laughsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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