This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n

You are so right!

Post 1

Red Kite

Hi Smudger
I was wandering this vast site, as you do and went back to the Post and thought I would read you're entry for this week. I enjoyed it very much and went to your site to say so. While I was there I thought I would have a little look around, as you do, and came across your article entitled 'Why'. This I also read. I then had to write to you and agree with what you said. I also do not conform necessarily to what is conventional behaviour. I like to celebrate the lives of people I have known, to remember them at their best and funniest. The things about them that made them special. Yes I cry because they are gone and physically I will not see them again, but in my mind I will always see them and the memories bring back the feelings that I had with them. My mum sadly died a month ago after a battle with cancer, but to the end she made me laugh, she put up with the pain rather than accept morphine as she wanted to be able to communicate with us and feel the rest of her life, not drift away in a haze. After the funeral we came back and opened a bottle of champagne to toast a wonderful warm, funny and very quirky lady. It was not disrespect it was appreciation of the way she was.
I also have almost the same technique as you do at interviews except I imagine the men in their socks and underpants and the women in curlers with a hairnet! Great levellers!smiley - biggrin
Well, nice to have met you, best wishes to you and your good lady who I hope is feeling well today.smiley - hug's to you both.

You are so right!

Post 2


Hi Red Kitesmiley - biggrin, Thanks for your post, it was great to have someone elses opinion on such matters. I was sorry to hear about your Mother, I know exactly what you meant though as I lost mine the very same way after an eighteen month battle.
Glad you enjoyed the other articles in my section, I never know how many people read them, yet I enjoy writing them any way.smiley - ok
I have never been very good with verbal communication and have always managed to explain myself better in writing, hence the entries, why & wondered. Then just as I was beginning to enjoy my new life, I find myself having to cope with my new partners terminal illness. Then who said it was going to be easysmiley - laugh
I will look out for you in the postings now I know your name, and it was great meeting you, (in cyber world any waysmiley - laugh)Take care, and Im glad you calledsmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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