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Post 1

Universal Granny

Hi Smudger, I came across you in smurfles Memory Lane postings and thought I'd have a lurk in your space. I must admit it was the comment you made about not being in a hurry and having time to pass things on to your grandchildren that jabbed me in the back and made me sit up and take notice.

I went on to read you unfortunate encounter with a Scooter salesman and the end result and couldn't help feeling angry on your behalf, I cannot bear anyone being taken advantage of smiley - steamsmiley - grr

How many grandchildren have you got, and do you get to see them regularly? I have three, aged nearly 5, nearly 3 and nearly 2. The three and five year olds are brother and sister, and the youngest one, their cousin, is anticipating a sibling within the next 9 months!

I see you are also a poet so am about to smiley - run over to your site again and have another browse. I dabble a bit myself, but it is more doggerel than poetry I think - a bit Pam Ayers-ish.

Hope you didn't mind me stopping by your space. My regards to Mk2

Take care smiley - hug Universal Granny


Post 2


Hi there Universal Grannysmiley - biggrin, No of course I dont mind you having a look at my home page, only too happy you did, as it took a lot of help and work to do it up that waysmiley - laugh
We have 4 Grandchildren, all from Mk2s kids, she has 2 sons and 1 daughter, to her first husband of 24 years. I have 2 daughters from my first marriage of 23 years, but one has never spoke since the divorce, and the other never keeps totally in touch, just the odd E-Mail?
Our Grandchildren vary from 6 months to 3 yrs old, and we love them all to bits!!smiley - winkeye
I get on great with my stepkids (well they are grown up now) and they visit us a lot, but I have asked them to phone first as MK2 has the odd bad day, and is not really fit enough for visitors.

As regards to poetry, I have not written any for years now, in fact that wee ditty on the memory lane post was the first in agessmiley - laugh as it just comes to me, then goessmiley - erm
Any way, I hope you enjoy your wander round my pagesmiley - ok as you will see there are a lot of articles that were in smiley - thepostsmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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