This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n

New thread

Post 1


Hi Smudger,
Look at my new journal entry for a sort of companion piece to your 'Who are we?' thread. If you think it complements well why not link over to it, and I'll link to your journal thread.
Regards sbe

New thread

Post 2


Hi SBEsmiley - biggrin,That sounds like a good ideasmiley - ok but could you do the actual linking for mesmiley - erm as I am not very good at them Techie bitssmiley - erm It took me ages just to do up my home pagesmiley - laugh and that was with a lot of help as wellsmiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

New thread

Post 3


Consider it done, as soon as I check your thread details.

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