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Post 1

Eusebio - squad number 11

Smudger, I really enjoyed your piece about Azerbaijan.
I travelled there last year to watch Wales in the football and loved it!


Post 2


Hi Mickey, smiley - ta for that, I only wish mine had been a short stay as well, but I was there to work!smiley - laugh Did you go any where near Baku? I remember seeing a large stadium in Moscow, it had been built for the olympics? yet it looked like it was half demolished!smiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 3

Eusebio - squad number 11

We stayed for a week in Baku - in the Hotel Absheron and did our drinking in the Lancaster Gate, a pub just round the corner from the Maiden's Tower.

smiley - football


Post 4


I stayed at the "Entourist" hotel, cant remember any pubs by that name, mind you it was back in 1990. I remember the tower though, coz I took some pictures when I was at the top of itsmiley - oksmiley - cool
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 5

Eusebio - squad number 11

Not sure how long the pub's been open but it was a centre for the ex-pats, run by a Liverpool supporting Brummie called Dave smiley - smiley


Post 6


Ah! that explains it then, as we were the only Ex pats out there at the time! There were no British pubs or the like, just a German who was in charge of the bottle factory, that we nicknamed Hermin?smiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 7

Eusebio - squad number 11

Would you mind taking a look at a guide entry for me?
I've written a piece about Baku -


Post 8


Hi Mickey, I read your article, it was well written and researched. I must admit though that I am glad that I was there in 1990 before all the changes occured. I mean, there was no way I could have even thought that a McDonalds would be there ever!!
So in a way I consider myself fortunate in that I saw it for Real! I also saw them gain their independace from Russian rule. There was only a few western Expats there at the same time as me, and knowing what has happened in the name of so called progress, and I dont think I would like to go back again now, as it would spoil a few happy memories for me!smiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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