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Great article

Post 1


Hi Smudger,
Just wanted to let you know how much I liked the article on your Britannia reunion. Superbly written stuff. One of my mates was a bootneck in the RM band who played on Britannia. He loved the ship. My Dad was in the navy for 14 years mainly in submarines. The turn of phrase and the reaction to the state of the ship reminded me of him a lot. There's definitely an attitude and way of thinking thats common to every matelot I've ever met. I'm afflicted with genetic wanderlust! Any more than 3 years in one place and I want to move somewhere else.
I'll look out for more of your stuff. Drop by my site if you've got time.
Regards sbe

Great article

Post 2


Hi SBE, Thanks a lot for that, as you say there is a language that only matalots know that seems to rub off on their closest kin. You can tell your bootneck mate that the Yacht has its own web site that he could find interesting smiley - ok Dont worry about your wanderlust, as there comes a time when your anchor chain becomes so rusty that you cant hoist it, so your stuck in one place smiley - erm its just old agesmiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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