This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n

Give yourself a big P.O. B!

Post 1


--Which means "Pat on the back"; no, not something naughty involving Irish labourers; we can get into discussions about sex, politics & cultural identity later if you wish!

Your page is great, you have obviously worked very hard on it. Not done the poems link yet, I am rather emotionally fragile at the moment & since I know your stuff has a way of cracking the ice, I daren't. But I will later & now you have a link, it will be a lot easier. Here's a high compliment: anyone who "knows" "me" in "real life" will tell you: I don't do poems. Yours are an exception.

I did my page quite simply by being an absolute pain in the bum to very nice people (it's a technique I use a lot; I am actually not a very nice person) In this case zed & ????it used to be the thinker, now re-named something about Meets; Look on my friends list anyway; both very helpful, as is JEllen & in fact, almost anyone on hootoo.

Well done mate! Now, how about putting a link to smiley - thepost? There's a challenge!! Maybe if everyone did this, a few more people would start reading it!

smiley - cheers

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri

Give yourself a big P.O. B!

Post 2


Hi Terrismiley - biggrin, Thanks very much for the P.O.B! I really enjoyed that as I have put a lot of work into my page, I didnt find it easy (being a Newby to computers)but it was worth all the work just for your compliment alone! Yes I have made the link to my poem page! its at the very bottom of my page, there are 10 poems there just now with another few to go on later. I always seem to have all these conversations on my page, which I would like to get involved in, but feel as if I am intruding, so I say nothing, and just read them.
I would like to take up your challenge to link up yo the post, but I dont understand what it means?? (the Newby in me?)
Any way Terri, thanks for your encouragement once again, I am still trying to get to grips with this new PC I got for my birthday, its just TOO much PC for mesmiley - laughsmiley - biggrinsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Give yourself a big P.O. B!

Post 3


Hi Smudger,

smiley - thepost is The Post, the h2g2 community newspaper which comes out every week, I write a column for it "The Hootoo Home of Today". I'm not going to give you a link for it here, that would be too easy! You can find it either by going to the front page of Hootoo & scrolling right down to the bottom & clicking, or if you go to my space, under the dancing alien, you will find lots of links, one is to The Post, others to individual bits of it. It really is worth a look (OK, I'm biased!smiley - biggrin) but isn't very well known; there is a campaign to make it more high profile.

Do go & see what you think; if you post a comment, any comment, it will make a lot of smiley - thepost writers very happy, we do wonder sometimes if anybody reads it!smiley - sadface

And, hey, there's lots of poetry too!!!smiley - winkeye

-spread the word!

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.

Give yourself a big P.O. B!

Post 4


Hi Terrismiley - biggrin, Well I did it! I went to the front page and clicked onto the link, couldnt find it on your home page? Must admit I never go to the front page often smiley - erm I read the poem "send in the clowns" but it wasnt what I would call a poem? good all the samesmiley - cool BTW your page takes ages to load to us dial up folks, mind you Im hoping to go broadband in Sept, when I get an increase in my disability benefitsmiley - ok Well now I have found another place to go, see Im learning all the timesmiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Give yourself a big P.O. B!

Post 5


Hi Smudger,

I'm surprised my page takes ages; until this afternoon I was on dial-up too & it seems to be exactly the same time with broadband! Mind you, I think thre's a lot of hype about broadband being loads faster; I used to have it & called it "boredband", 'cos I was sure it actually took longer! The main advantage for me is I can have the phone on at the same time.

I know nonone goes to the front page!smiley - cry This is why we want to get smiley - thepost more widely advertised; the link on my page is by clicking on the words "The Post" or on each bit of it that's highlighted (Eustace etc)

Why don't you try sending some of your stuff in to smiley - thepost? I can point you in the right direction...and it doesn't have to be written in Guide ML!!!smiley - biggrin

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.

Give yourself a big P.O. B!

Post 6


Hi Terrismiley - biggrin,Now I know how to link from your page to the postsmiley - ok Im not sure what kind of"stuff" would be suitable for the post, I have written some stories that you can find on my page, they are all in the W/shops now, buried and forgottonsmiley - laugh I posted to a couple of items I read on the front page last night. So if you could give me the pointers you mentioned, I will be glad to read them, smiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Give yourself a big P.O. B!

Post 7


Hi Smudger!

Well, all you have to do really is contact Shazz; who is the Editor of smiley - thepost & ask if she'd be interested in your stuff! It's as simple as that! You can find her page at U48304 If she likes it, she will tell you what to do from then on in. It honestly isn't difficult, you know what I'm like with the technical bits!!! Because I do a weekly column, I just email her with it (usually at the last minute!)

Everyone at smiley - thepost is very friendly & it is a good way to keep up the motivation for your writing. Do try it; let me know how you get on.

smiley - cheers

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.

Give yourself a big P.O. B!

Post 8


Hi Teeri, OK I will try and get in touch, I just key in that U number for Shazz, and press search? If that doesnt work, I will get in touch with you smiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Give yourself a big P.O. B!

Post 9


Hi Smudger,

It's even simpler than that! If something appears highlighted within a posting, you can click directly on it & if the person has done it right, it will take you straight to the place!

If you look at the adress bar on your browser (the grey bit at the top of your screen that isn't actually part of the hootoo site), you will see something like then a load of other stuff; the bit at the end that starts with a letter A or U is the person or the article. So if you want to send someone there, you type that bit into your message & bingo!! Off they trot!smiley - biggrin

So, this is Shazz: U48304

And this is me: U208370

This is De Myelin Nation: A889194

---and so on!

If you put a link like this in; it's best to preview your message before sending it & click on them to make sure it works; just press the "back" button to go back to your posting after...and remember to post it after you preview it; I quite often forget & sit there sulking thinking "Why hasn't anybody replied?"


I see from the Editorial that smiley - thepost is looking for some contributions to the vogon poetry corner; not looked yet myself; it's a heatwave here & I can only do a little session at a time; dripping into the keyboard!smiley - yuk; but maybe this would be interesting for you?

Ok, must go, before I melt!

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.

Give yourself a big P.O. B!

Post 10


Hi Terrismiley - biggrin, Had a look at the top of the page, but theres no A or U there, just a reply number? Any way, no probs, Ive made contact with Shazzsmiley - ok so Im off to try and track down a lot of stuff that I put into the W/Shops without keeping a copy? (thinking I would never need them again?)So Im off to do some, copy & Pastingsmiley - ermsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Give yourself a big P.O. B!

Post 11


Jolly good!

Have fun!

smiley - cheers

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.

Give yourself a big P.O. B!

Post 12


I would like to thank you Terri for putting me in touch with Shazz and the Post as I was just at the point of leaving the site for good when this came upsmiley - ok Thanks again, and keep in touch, I would like thatsmiley - ok
smiley - sorry for the delay in getting back to you, but I had to drive up to Pitlochary to collect Mk2 & her sister, ended up staying the night in the caravan as the weahter was so good!smiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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