This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n

techie stuff (hi Ellen here)

Post 1


Hey Smudger. At the top of your screen you should have an address bar. It's above your h2g2 window. When you are on your home page, it should say your number is). If you want to go to a specific page on hootoo, go up to your address bar, click on it, and delete the tail end of it by backspacing, the part that comes right after "brunel/". Type in its place the number of the article or userpage you want to go to. Then hit go, and you'll go straight to it.

Ask questions if this doesn't make sense.

Hope that helps, Ellen smiley - towel

techie stuff (hi Ellen here)

Post 2


Hey! it worked Ellensmiley - magicat first I deleated rather than back spaced, but then I got it right!!smiley - cheerssmiley - biggrinsmiley - smileyThanks again!
smiley - cheersSmudger.

techie stuff (hi Ellen here)

Post 3


Excellent!!! smiley - biggrin

techie stuff (hi Ellen here)

Post 4


Going to a party tonight for my nephew. Gonna have barbeque. Looking foward to it.

smiley - towel

techie stuff (hi Ellen here)

Post 5


Have a good time, see you latersmiley - oksmiley - laughsmiley - biggrin
smiley - cheersSmudger,

techie stuff (hi Ellen here)

Post 6


Hi Ellen, one problem that has happened now, when I click on to that address box, on top of screen, to get GOOGLE search engine, All the numbers I have used on H2G2 are on my screen? Any idea how to get rid??smiley - ok As I always use GOOGLE to find this sitesmiley - ok
smiley - cheersSmudger.

techie stuff (hi Ellen here)

Post 7


Hi Ellen, one problem that has happened now, when I click on to that address box, on top of screen, to get GOOGLE search engine, All the numbers I have used on H2G2 are on my screen? Any idea how to get rid??smiley - ok As I always use GOOGLE to find this sitesmiley - ok
smiley - cheersSmudger.

techie stuff (hi Ellen here)

Post 8


I'm not entirely sure I understand the question, but I will try to answer. If I can't help you I'm sure an ACE can figure it out. For one thing, you shouldn't have to do a Google search every time you get on h2g2. There should be some way that you can mark h2g2 as a Favorite Place, one that you can go directly to. In AOL you mark pages you like by clicking on the red heart in the upper right corner. Then when you want to go back there, you just pull down your Favorites menu. As far as your address bar goes, you can put any address in there you want. Just backspace to delete the old address, and put in the new. Google is easy, it's just Erm, hope this clears things up.

G'night. JE smiley - towel

techie stuff (hi Ellen here)

Post 9


Hi Elen, Thanks for that I think Ive ceacked it nowsmiley - okI was playimg around with the keys last night after I sent you that message, and Ive cracked itsmiley - biggrinsmiley - oksmiley - magic
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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