This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n


Post 1


hiya smudger n how u doing? smiley - smiley
getting more proficient by the minute eh? smiley - ok


Post 2


Hi Im ok, you just passin thru?smiley - runagain?smiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 3


well i wasn't but no one wa sending me msgs so it ended up that way!! smiley - sadfacesmiley - laugh
u still here? smiley - smiley


Post 4


Yep! Still here trying to sort out a strip thats appeared down the left side of my screensmiley - wah If your board smiley - okRead my journal entries, would appreciate your opinionsmiley - tasmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 5


no prob!! smiley - smiley get back to u wen i've finished!! smiley - run


Post 6


oh i've had quite a few of them smudger!! smiley - laugh
usually on a casualty dept (especally wen ur by urself!!)smiley - wah
but happened a few times on wards as well, n as i worked permanent night 4 years n years it was REALLY smiley - weird wen u woke up that day!! did i or didn't i?? n got bits n pieces like a jigsaw that night from different members of staff who were there!! smiley - smiley
yep i can deff empathise with that one!! smiley - hug


Post 7


Hi its me againsmiley - laughI see you read the short one, thats what happens when you work on STAND-BY, its a real Bi**h. smiley - erm Did you have a look at the others=Thoughts, Wondered ect? have a sceg! see what you reckonsmiley - okIm still sortin out this line thingysmiley - ok
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 8


smiley - erm well i WUD!! ......but how do i get into them? smiley - doh
sorry, bit thick u know!! smiley - smiley


Post 9


Scroll down past the journal entry, to a black bit with the titlessmiley - ok
let me know if you get stuck?smiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 10


Hi Again, Ive just noticed Im in BRUNEL SKIN thats why you may be havin problems finding thingssmiley - ok You can change by going to PREFERENCES to change, then change back againsmiley - ok Its a smiley - cake really, even I can do itsmiley - wowsmiley - yikes
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 11


hi smudger smiley - smiley

i've been missing for a few weeks
(Adam's been really poorly) smiley - sadface
bet u thought the peace wud reign indeffinitely didn't ya? smiley - winkeye well sorry but i'm back
now n ready to annoy u at every chance i get!! smiley - whistle

how have u been? smiley - smiley
nething exciting happened while i wasn't here?? lol

hope to chat soon smiley - smiley

Trisjh smiley - hugsmiley - kiss


Post 12


Hiya! Trish, Its great to hear from you againsmiley - biggrinsmiley - sorry to hear that Adams not too well, OK now I hope? Yep! I have missed our chats, in fact some days were so quiet I had no one to speak to! So I wrote another journal entry called "brief encounter" give it a read & tell what you thinksmiley - ok Hear from you soon!!smiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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