This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 1


--justmet you on Greta's page, you're highly honoured 'costhe last thing I thought I'd be doing tonight is Aceing anyone! (sorry about the typing, i'm trying to eat a very large smiley - chociice at the same time: another good remedy for smiley - ermthat I hopeGreta tries.

--I really am pretty useless on the technical bits, but you seem to be doing very well anyway. (smileys etc)!smiley - wow but I do know lots of very very nice peopleon here, & if there's any way Ican help, just let me know. You might like to go & have a look at my home page, as you'll see, I've been around a bit too!also, I'm a bit physically challenged (& mentally too at the moment!)more info on this at "De Myelin Nation"; click on A889194

--a good place to get chatting on my page is the journal space "eyes" thread, hope to see you there!

smiley - cheers
smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 2


Hi Terry, As a matter of fact there is a problem you might be able to help me with.smiley - okI have an article way down at the bottom of my contribution list called Moscow & Baku. I would like to move it on to my journal pagesmiley - ermI have tried to move it, but Im not that clever yetsmiley - headhurts Could you move it for mesmiley - tasmiley - grovel
smiley - cheersSmudger.

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 3


Hi Smudger Terri asked me to explain the technical stuff to you, cos she's not the most techy person in the world...

Ok so assuming your using a computer with internet explorer as your web browser... not a WebTV thingamejig what you need to do is.......

(I'm going to give you exact step by step instructions as to how I would do it, sorry if I'm being patronising...!)

Go to you're personal space, and press the Ctrl and N keys on your keyboard at the same time

This will give you two copies of your personal space, you might find it easier if you resize these windows so that you can see both of them at once...

In ONE OF the windows click on "Add a Journal Entry"

Now go to the other window, and go to the guide entry that you want to move..

Using your mouse hightlight the words in the guide entry, to do this you point to the words at the start of the entry, click, and whilst holding your mouse button down move the mouse to the bottom of the entry.

Now without taking your finger off the mouse click on the other mouse button, this will give you a list of options...

Now click on copy.

go to the other window, click on the space where you'd normally write your jornal entry,

now again click on the right mouse button, (this is technically known as right clicking!)

You'll get the same list of options , but this time click on paste...

now click on store journal.. hey presto... you're done!

Do get back to me if there's any problems! and finally having read your personal space I'd really like to chat more, you sound like a very interesting person!

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 4


Hi Terri, Thanks very much for your great instructions, I only wish my effort had been worthysmiley - wah but I ended up with about eight copiessmiley - wah and now I have a strip of symbols down the left side of my screen that I can not get rid ofsmiley - wah Wish I had never tried to move it now, HELP IM STUCK!!!
smiley - cheersSmudger.

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 5


HI there.. I'm Z not Terri, A friend of Terri but not Terri, anyone can read and reply to these posts on h2g2, I posted the instructions.

I can't actually see the journal entry, we are refering to the one on your personal space aren't we?

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 6


Hi a SAVIOUR !! the article is called Moscow & Baku its presently at the bottom of my "click here to view further entries" and I wanted to put it onto my journal along with Thoughts, Wondered. but after my last effort I gave up. Mind you the instryctions were good! just that I never got it right!smiley - wah
smiley - cheersSmudger.

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 7


DON'T panic smudger, Z will guide you gently through the whole thing, as a trainee doctor it's all part of the necessary bedside manner!

--if you go & play somewhere else for a bit, I'm sure your Baku & Moscow thing will appear in the right place very soon.

--if you're not sure who you're talking to when more than one person is on your conversation thread, it's probably best to mention them by name. You can see who sent the message by looking at the top for the highlighted name (ie: this is Terri & Yoda speaking)
--you can see I'm still online 'cos there is a pair of little "eyes" by my name, but Z's eyes have disappeared, so a cup of smiley - tea is probably in the offing! When the eyes come back, the person is back online again.

--hope this helps; don't worry, we were all new once & you are doing brilliantly for a newbie!
have some smiley - choc from me!

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 8


Hi Terri, Thanks for your help Ive learned a lot tonight Ive even told some else how to change skins!smiley - wow I got rid of that border down my left side of screen as wellsmiley - yikes I almost that article as well, just one slip spoiled it!smiley - sadfacesmiley - silly I havent had the confidence to submit anything yet, but give me timesmiley - erm Catch you latersmiley - cheersonce again.
smiley - cheersSmudger.

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 9


So Smudger, what skin do you prefer? I'm an alabaster fan myself, but some people swear by classic goo. I even tried that new one called Plain this week, but went back to Alabaster - I'm just used to it, and I can go so much faster in it.

JE smiley - towel

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 10


Hi Terri, I found that the Brunel skin a lot easier to work with so Ive left it on that ever since I changed over. Ive never tried that Goo" one yet, but its like a comfy pair of shoes, once you put them on, Well! you knowsmiley - okIts been a busy night for me, and everyone so helpful!smiley - magic
smiley - cheersSmudger.

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 11


Hi smudger! This is Terri here, but you were just talking to Jellen, who has probably gone back to her own page now, and found I've left her a long note about which film stars are fanciable & which can depart the planet in my opinion!

--well done for giving advice on changing skins, plus the moving about bits; you're obviously a quick learner! Don't try & run before you can walk though (I'm a fine one to talk!!), there's loads of time to play about, nobody's obliged to write anything at all, I haven't, except for a book review, & it took me months to get round to that! But in the process I met Z & later several othe rsmiley - coolpeople; so it was a worthwhile exercise.

--I'm a goo fan myself, anything else makes me think of official paperwork; but it's a personal preference; go ahead & swap around, you might feel goo one night & plain the next!

--squeak soon, still smiley - running round like crazy!

zdt (I sign like this when in a rush, stands for zen-devil Terri)

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 12


Hi Terri, Just got your message now, as I had to go and crash out last night (pain killers not working) It was good last night as I met a lot of new people, Im in no rush to write really I just like reading other peoples ideas and comments. I did wtite out my whole employment history once, of all the places I had worked and the people I worked with. It only lasted 29 pages! but I had to miss out some parts (censored)so that was that. I like writing short stories really, I find them easier to write and I dont get bored half way through, if you know what I mean.
My usual sign off is, mustsmiley - run
smiley - cheersSmudger.

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 13


Hi Terri, Just thought Id let you know, I actually moved that article I was trying to move last nightsmiley - biggrinsmiley - smiley It was all that help and advice I was given. It came up as "NO SUBJECT" but thats OK, real chuffedsmiley - yikes
smiley - cheersSmudger

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 14


Excellent!! Does Z know you've done it? He'll be so pleased!

--glad to hear you're a writer too, I'm doing this when I should really be typing in my book!

--so I must smiley - run too!

hope the head's better now, don't stay smiley - online2long

squeak soon,


wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 15


Hi Terri, Thanks for that, yes feeling a lot better now, apart from spending an hour adding on to my Moscow & Baku thing only to find U had been disconnectedsmiley - wahand lost the lot. Ah well, so mote it be.
smiley - cheersSmudger,

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 16


Hi Smudger, Z here! I'm really pleased to discover that you've managed to sort things out, you will get there will this strang machine thing really!!!

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 17


Hi Z thanks for that, yes Im improving but only with all the help Im getting from people on this sitesmiley - oksmiley - biggrinIts nice talking to Terri as well as speaking with someone who has been there can understand thing better.
smiley - cheersSmudger.

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 18

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Hey smudger, you have talked to Terri!

Just go to the most recent *eyes converstion* in her journal entries. The title will have eyes in it. I keep trying to link it and things go wrong!smiley - smileyI know you have tried to find it also. Good Luck next time!
smiley - disco

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 19


*smirking, lurking*

It's just another test really! Who will be the first to find an easy way to send people to the latest "eyes" thread?

Luckily, this one is easy A1055170 Yes, folks, yet another plug for my latest smiley - thepost article!

"Has she no shame?" I hear you cry in horror. Those of you who know me well enough know the answer to this one.smiley - winkeye

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.

wrinkly, techno-challeged Ace Terri here!

Post 20


smiley - laugh Hi Terri!

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