Journal Entries

Incirlik AB

Its been a while since I've posted anything on here. I've been pretty busy with Basic Training and Tech school. I graduated from Tech school on 29 Mar 04 and got to go home for 3 weeks (2 of those I spent working at the Recruiter's office which was actually pretty fun). I just got to my first duty station yesterd which is Incirlik AB, Turkey. It was a long flight. It was fun watching the world pass below me. Everything seemed so different from home. That was before I even got to Turkey. This is an interesting combination of home and a foreign country. The base is part American, part Turkish. Many of the stores and restauraunts on base are staffed with local Turkish civilians.

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Latest reply: Apr 20, 2004

I'm back ( for a few days)

I haven't been around much for the last couple of months because I joined the US Air Force. There isn't much opportunity to get online while in training.
I graduated from Basic Training on 7 November, and have been at Keesler AFB studing Tech Conrol since. I'm able to get online right now since I'm home for Christmas.
If you want to leave a note, I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can. When I get back to Keesler it may take a week though.

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Latest reply: Dec 25, 2003

Almost time

Its starting to get pretty close to the date I leave for Air Force BMT. I can't help but feel a little nervous, but I've been wanting to do this for as long as I can remeber.
Actually, the only part that I'm really nervous about is the obstacle course. I've seen some pictures, and I am not looking foward to pulling myself accross water upside down on a rope.
Other than that, some parts of training sound like they might be a little fun. How bad can the firing range be?

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Latest reply: Aug 26, 2003


I haven't written an entry in a while so I thought MEPS would be a good subject since I just processed through myself.

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Latest reply: Jun 18, 2003

Another entry on the Front Page

The first entry I ever wrote, A993305 "How to Avoid Gym Class in the US" appeared on the front page.

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Latest reply: May 7, 2003

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