This is a Journal entry by asbenjamin

Almost time

Post 1


Its starting to get pretty close to the date I leave for Air Force BMT. I can't help but feel a little nervous, but I've been wanting to do this for as long as I can remeber.
Actually, the only part that I'm really nervous about is the obstacle course. I've seen some pictures, and I am not looking foward to pulling myself accross water upside down on a rope.
Other than that, some parts of training sound like they might be a little fun. How bad can the firing range be?

Almost time

Post 2


hi well im sure everything will go fine for u hun if it's summat uv always wanted to to u stick in at it and do ur best if u dont like it u can always cum home u know that GOOD LUCK
smiley - peacedove

Almost time

Post 3


Hi, thanks for your message. I actually am looking foward to this, I'm just getting a little nervous now that the time is so close. How are you doing?

Almost time

Post 4


im fine thanx for asking and u?if u dont mind me asking wots ur asl plz?and did u used to go on LD i did x

Almost time

Post 5


I'm fine also. I'm 18/m/Massachusetts. No, I never went on LD

Almost time

Post 6


cool ur from America nice to meet u smiley - kiss well im Heather im 20 and from Falkirk area in Scotland uk so when is it u go now then?xx

Almost time

Post 7


Nice to meet you too, I leave on 16 Sept.

Almost time

Post 8


well im sure u will have a lovely time hun i have to go just now as it's mid afternoon here 3.10pm maybe catch u b4 u go take care
smiley - love

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