This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

hello again

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Oh, this is a much nicer place! can do so much with this room...& I love that south-facing window...what a view!!

hello again

Post 2

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Thanks - humble - but I call it home!

smiley - fairy

hello again

Post 3

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Sorry I couldn't help you, before. If anyones lacking in IT skills...smiley - sadface. Iswear, this thing'll either have me in a straitjacket, or a padded cell, one of these days. Either that, or, its going out my 7th floor window!

hello again

Post 4

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Ha ha smiley - laugh I know just what you mean!

My partner and I have been on our laptops all day - swearing for different reasons....!

smiley - fairy

hello again

Post 5

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Also, I was having a late lunch, earlier. So, I didn't get the message, right away. Its after 3:30 here, I guess, after 10:30, there.

hello again

Post 6

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Also, I was having a late lunch, earlier. So, I didn't get the message, right away. Its after 3:30 here, I guess, after 10:30, there.

hello again

Post 7

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

That's right - 10.40 - and supper is only just being thought about - no chance of a curry (we had that last night - a Goan One) omelette and a few glasses of wine!

smiley - fairy

hello again

Post 8

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Ah, well bon apetit...whatever the case.

hello again

Post 9

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

It's all over now!

We were hungry!

Is it afternoon with you - or scarily early in the morning?

smiley - fairy

hello again

Post 10

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Late afternoon, getting on towards the evening news.

hello again

Post 11


Goan then tell us all about it

hello again

Post 12


Greetings, O Newly Improved Scarletude, from OOV, now safe (?) in the Holy Land! smiley - smiley

I say you have done wonders in such a short time!! Go easy on the celbratory smiley - bubbly,smiley - cake &smiley - choc!!!

More later - must fly - literally, I hope! smiley - biggrin


hello again

Post 13

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

OOV! what a suprise - and you in the holy land too - any chance of turning water into wine....

smiley - fairy

hello again

Post 14


Alas no .. first you have to learn to walk on the stuff, they tell me.

However, every cloud has a silver lining and I have been able to shake my recent abstemity ( it that isn't a word, well, it is now!!)

Hope to see you all soon from my regular Pictish Perch.

Hope the worst of the 'cold' is over - Scarletude is one thing but red noses belong in another space!

My e-mail's all to c**k just now, so will write properly when back UK-side at week-end.

BTW, who put the 'eyes' in front of my alias?? Hmmmh? Bluebottle?

OOV in the Holy (but not necessarily Godly) Land.

hello again

Post 15

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!


You mean you havn't got the walking on water thing sussed! Shame! What DO the military teach a man these days!

You will be glad to know that I do not have a scarlet nose - infact seem to have avoided most of the normal trappings of the common cold - possibly because I am uncommonly healthy? smiley - laugh

Though possibly, all the booze I have consumed killed anything within a mile radius of me stone dead!

smiley - fairy

hello again

Post 16


Don't know what they teach 'em now - I came out twenty years ago. However, glad all is well with the crew - tho' I can't say the same for the Monk!!

I've got a nice tan - it was sunny in T-Land, sunnier still elsewhere. Nobody interfered with our R&R in the Holy Land and after another brief excusion, I'll be back to my Pictish Perch by Friday night.

My SO says she has a nice steak in the fridge and a bottle of red to celebrate, so you may not hear from me until Saturday - late!

Then I can catch up with my e-mail and I have this idea for a game ..smiley - bubbly


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