This is the Message Centre for Researcher 209440

hi Scarlet/Chelsea

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I'm just popping in on a few of the recent arrivals, to say 'hello', 'welcome aboard', & all. I'm still fairly new here myself, I thought it might not be a bad idea to get to know some of the new neighbours, so to speak smiley - winkeye.Feel free to drop by (click on my nickname) 'my space', to learn a bit more about me.

hi Scarlet/Chelsea

Post 2

Researcher 209440

Hello Jazzedupcurry,

Though I am new here, I was old there - Researcher 200741/Scarlet Woman. I have lost my old ID. Can you help? I have spent the last 4 hours trying to get back into my old space - no luck despite the support team - my e-mail address seems to be invalid - though I am using it all the time!

All suggestions gratefully received!

smiley - fairy

Hi Scarlet/Chelsea

Post 3


Hullo Scarlet,I am also new to this set up and lost my identity before selecting a a name,have got one now.

Why do'nt you pop over to my place,I may not be Peter but you will still be welcome

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