This is the Message Centre for Doctor Strangegloves


Post 1

Fadookie the Froody- Veggie Poetry@A2248733

Welcome to h2g2, doctor! smiley - doctor You don't seem to be in so I've left you a cuppa smiley - tea, please reply if you'd like to join me.
smiley - smiley Clever nick you've got! That's what I thought the movie was called when I was little smiley - blush...
Oh, I'm forgetting myself. I'm Fadookie, local consumer of smiley - donuts.
When you come back, you might want to check out some of these smiley - cool things around h2g2:
First and foremost, the <./>welcome</.> message. smiley - biggrin
The h2g2 tour, it you haven't already taken it - A317459smiley - scientist
The Don't Panic Help Centre, for when you're stuck - <./>DONTPANIC</.>smiley - huh
Newbies Anonymous, A page I made with a few helpful tips - A729182smiley - geek
The h2g2 Post, hootoo's own newspaper - <./>THEPOST</.> smiley - thepost
Shea's BIG links page, for more - A534953smiley - ok

Well, that's it for now! If you have a question, a concern, or just want to talk, click the "reply" link at the bottom of this message. If not, see you around!smiley - run

-FTFsmiley - cheers

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