This is the Message Centre for Doctor Strangegloves


Post 1

Keseral - lost...


Just going to comment on the weird (but really cool) choice of name!

see ya (well I won't atcholy!) Kes


Post 2

kri stickle mass

hi dr strangegloves,

we dont seem to have had a chance to get acquainted in any way and there have been so many name changes that me eyeballs are spinning.smiley - silly so i havent got a clue if you are someone else i know or not. smiley - doh

but seeing as you are part of ths gang i wanted to say hello. (i have changed my name over the weekend as suggested by pat pen in order to avoid unnecessary attention) smiley - huh on the boards i am kris baretout smiley - divasmiley - discosmiley - devil

who else are you?

krissmiley - rose


Post 3

Keseral - lost...

(two s's are better) um... HELLO, ANYBODY IN THERE? sorry about all the shouting but nobodys around...

smiley - blacksheepsmiley - sporksmiley - spork


Post 4

Dr. Strangegloves, just hibernating there....


Post 5

Keseral - lost...

Hee hee hee smiley - laugh! I feel like hibernating sometimes, in fact I sometimes fall asleep on the schoolbus!

smiley - blacksheepsmiley - sporksmiley - spork


Post 6

Dr. Strangegloves

Yeah, right....anyway, thanks for the compliment re: my moniker. I'd compliment yours but I haven't finished reading it yet.

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