This is the Message Centre for Humbly yours

Hi Humbly Yours...

Post 1

Captain Kebab

Hi and welcome to h2g2.

I'm Captain Kebab and I'm an ACE, or Assistant Community Editor, which means I've volunteered to help greet new researchers and try to make them feel at home here on h2g2. smiley - smiley

That's an interesting comment you make about trees - I'd have thought that if bushes were leaves shrubs would be falling, but then I'm no gardener.

There's loads to do here, so I've put together a page with some h2g2 links that you might find useful - you can get there by clicking this link: A794991. If you'd like to know any more or just want to talk you can click on the 'reply' button you'll see at the bottom of the page and I'll get back to you, or click on my name at the top and you'll find yourself at my personal space. You can leave a message for me there by clicking on 'discuss this entry'.

I hope to see you around soon... smiley - ok

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Hi Humbly Yours...

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